After what felt like an eternity, Travis pulled his door open, and she let out her pent-up breath. The angry look that he shot the both of them had her wanting to hide behind Jack, but she squared her shoulders and stood her ground. She had never been one to hide from anything, especially something she wanted so desperately. And she desperately wanted both Travis and Jackson—failure wasn’t an option.
Travis heard Jack’s SUV pull up to his building alerting him that he was about to have company. He wasn’t sure if he’d count Emily and Jack as unwanted company judging from the erection he was sporting, they were both wanted. He needed to decide if he was going to be angry or happy that they just showed up at his place.
When he left Giovanni’s, he considered going back to the restaurant and storming back in there to demand that they allow him to join the two of them on their little date. He wanted them both and if they were so willingly spending the evening together, why not let him join in? But the thought of being turned away or unwelcome on their little dinner date had him changing his plan and just heading home. Now, Jack and Emily stood on his doorstep pounding on his front door. He thought about not answering but the way Jack was rapping on the door, Travis was sure he was going to break it down.
“Fuck,” he swore to himself. He pulled a pair of sweatpants over his boxer briefs and strode to the door from his bedroom. If Jackson wanted a face-to-face, he’d have it. Travis just hated that the sexy doctor would be caught up in the middle of theirmess. He was hoping to see her around the ranch, especially now that Regan was once again pregnant. Emily was probably going to avoid him now with the way he childishly ran out of the restaurant earlier.
He pulled the door open, his heart racing at the sight of the two of them standing in front of his apartment. If he was being honest, he couldn’t erase the thought of the three of them tangled up in his sheets together from his mind. But Jackson made it pretty clear that he wasn’t interested in Travis with the way that he so easily tossed him aside to go out with Emily. Travis couldn’t blame Jack, seeing Emily standing there, her chest rising and falling with every breath as if she had run a marathon, was sexy as hell. He could just imagine how fucking sexy she would be naked and panting with need between him and Jackson.
Jack stood next to her, his hand holding hers, wearing a smirk on his face that told Travis that he wasn’t exactly sorry about the way things ended up tonight. A part of him wanted to knock the smirk right off Jack’s sexy face. But that was the side of Jack that Travis was most attracted to. He was turned on by just how confident Jackson Saint was and Jack was downright cocky.
“What the fuck are you two doing here?” Travis barked and Emily jumped making him instantly regret his anger. He sighed, “Sorry Emily, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Travis wanted to reach out to her, but he knew from the way Jack held her close to his side that he wouldn’t allow that. It was clear that Jack and Emily were together and that thought pissed Travis off.
“Listen, Travis, we are just here to talk.” Jack released Emily’s hand and took a step towards him. Travis took a step back, not wanting to let Jackson too close. He didn’t trust himself to keep his hands off Jack and that wouldn’t end well. Being attracted to Jackson wasn’t the problem. As soon as hesaw the sexy cop sitting at Manholes he knew that he wanted a chance with him, which was ridiculous because every man in that bar wanted the same opportunity. Jack wasn’t Travis’s usual type, which probably lent to the draw. Jackson was clean-cut except for a beard, with no tattoos or piercings. But Jack was dominant, which was something that Travis craved, even needed.
Emily took a step towards Travis and this time he found himself taking a step towards her even leaning into her. “Travis, please just let us in. We all need to talk. If you don’t like what we have to say then we’ll leave, just give us a chance.” Travis looked her up and down, liking the way her tight little black dress fit over her every curve. He wanted to touch her, pull her into his body, and kiss her senseless but now wasn’t the time for that. He nodded and stepped to the side allowing them both to enter. What did he have to lose from talking? Besides, he and Jack needed to clear the air about him canceling their date.
Jackson shut the door behind him and Travis felt his heated gaze as he started past him to follow Emily down the hall to his small family room. “Travis,” Jack growled, pressing him up against the hallway wall, pinning Travis’s body with his own. Travis couldn’t help his moan or the way his traitorous body rubbed against Jackson’s. Emily stood at the end of the hallway, watching them intently.
“I’m so fucking sorry Travis. I was an asshole and texting you to cancel our date was a dick move.” Travis nodded, not quite able to look at Jack.
“It was a dick move, Jack. It hurt to see you two out together—like I could be so easily replaced,” Travis whispered.
Jack sighed, “I didn’t replace you, Travis—I wouldn’t want to. I had to deliver a baby on the side of the road and when I got to the hospital, I met Emily. She was the doctor on call. By thetime we got done with the paperwork, I had missed our date and Emily agreed to have dinner with me.”
“Because you both have to eat, right?” Travis didn’t want to sound like such a sore loser but that was exactly what he felt like. He was jealous that Jackson had the nerve to ask Emily out but that was just Jack. If Travis wasn’t such a coward, he would have asked her out hours before Jackson had the chance to meet her. The only difference was that Travis wouldn’t have canceled their date at the last minute. He wouldn’t do that to Jack. And now the whole evening was a giant cluster fuck, and he was going to be spending the night alone instead of with Jackson like he was hoping.
Jack shot Travis a look that told him that he didn’t want to play and God, it turned him on. He liked that Jack didn’t take any shit from anyone, not even him. Jack stepped closer invading Travis’s personal space, and he could feel his heart racing. Jack’s eyes hooded with desire and Travis could feel the heat rolling off his big body. Jackson wanted him just as much as he wanted Jack.
“I’m sorry, Travis,” Jackson whispered leaning into his body. Jack seemed almost hesitant until Travis nodded, giving him both his forgiveness and approval. Jack sealed his mouth over Travis’s and took what he wanted. Travis leaned into Jack’s body feeling his erection pressing against his own and all he could think about was getting them both naked. Jack worked his tongue into Travis’s willing mouth, and he moaned, giving him better access. They were a tangled mesh of hands, lips, and tongues and it was fucking perfect. Jackson roughly pushed him up against the wall, blocking him in with his body. Travis was a little bigger than Jack, but he was willing to be Jack’s captive. Hell, he’d be just about anything Jack wanted him to be.
Jackson broke the kiss, taking a step back. “That’s so much fucking better, man.” Jack flashed him a sexy smile and turnedto where Emily was glued to the floor watching them. Her lips were parted and judging from the blush on her skin, the whole scene turned her on.
“Come here, Em,” Jackson barked, causing her to jump. She didn’t hesitate to do as he ordered and the sight of Emily submitting to Jack was a complete turn-on. She walked the short hallway to stand in front of Jack, her back to Travis. “Did you like watching us, sweetheart?” His question was almost a whisper, and Travis could tell that the whole scene was turning Jack on too.
“Yes,” she croaked, trying to find her voice. “I liked watching you two.” Travis couldn’t help himself; he wrapped his arms around Emily’s waist and pulled her back into his body. He liked that she willingly let him. Besides their brief meeting at the ranch earlier, they didn’t know each other. Sure, he saw her on her visits out to check on Regan and Star but watching her from afar didn’t warrant him being able to touch her now.
“Is this okay, baby?” Travis whispered into her ear, and she leaned her head back to rest on his chest. She was so much smaller than he or Jack, so petite.
She nodded against him, “Yes Travis, I want you to touch me. I want both of you to touch me,” she moaned. Jackson didn’t seem to need any more of an invitation, he wrapped his arms around the two of them and pulled Emily in for a hot, wet kiss. He seemed softer with her, less demanding and Travis was fascinated by the way Emily completely melted into Jack’s embrace. It was almost as if she was made for the two of them, fitting between them so perfectly.
Jack broke the kiss leaving her panting with need. Travis couldn’t wait to have his chance to taste her. He spun her around to face him, “My turn, baby.” Travis took her mouth in a consuming kiss knowing that he was a little rougher than Jack had just been with her. The thought of Emily’s lips swollenfrom his kisses, wrapped around his cock, made him so hard he throbbed.
“Fuck honey, that’s hot,” Jack whispered his praise. “Tell Travis how much you want him; how much you need him.” Travis moaned into her mouth, wanting everything that Jack had just told her to say but not wanting to push her. He wanted those words from her because she wanted to give them not because Jack had ordered her to.
Emily pulled away, her lips wet and swollen, and smiled up at him, taking his breath away. “I know this sounds crazy Travis, but I saw you out at the ranch before we met today. I noticed you the first time I was out to check on Regan, just before Star was born. You were usually out by the barn or in the kitchen and I was always too much of a chicken to introduce myself.” Travis barked out his laugh, seeing the irony of Emily noticing him but not being brave enough to make a move. That was exactly how he felt every time she made a trip out to the ranch.
He ran his thumb along her pouty lips and kissed the corner of her mouth.
“God, aren’t we a pair? I saw you too, but I was a coward and let you walk away without saying a word. Fuck, when I met you today I wanted to ask you to dinner myself. I guess I was pissed off that I was too much of a damn coward to ask you out and missed my chance with you.”
Emily wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for another quick, hot kiss.
“You didn’t lose your chance with me, with us. Jackson and I talked about it and we both want you, that’s why we’re here. All you have to do is say yes, Travis.” He looked around her to Jack who was smiling like a crazy person and couldn’t help but smile back. He wanted to say yes to them both but how would it all work? Would they be able to get past the jealousy that would eventually end up trying to divide them?
“Don’t overthink this, Travis. You and I have already started something. Let’s see where this can go with the three of us,” Jackson almost begged. Travis knew that if he said no he would kick himself for not taking a chance on the two people he wanted most. It was as if the universe was offering him everything that he ever wanted and he needed to grab on to both Emily and Jack and take what he wanted for so long now.