His brows shift. “Does it end with my dick in your ass, because that’s probably the only way I’m gonna be okay with it.”
I grin. I love that he’s just as obsessed with our fucks as I am. “It definitely ends with your dick in my ass, but it doesn’t start there.”
“I’m listening…”
“You hungry?”
“If you think I’ve been eating regular meals since all this started, you don’t know me at all.”
“Then I guess I do know you because we were messing around as soon as we got out of classes at four, and between that and coming here, I know the only thing you’ve had to eat, and I don’t think it’s enough calories to keep a person alive.”
“At least it’s a snack for me,” he says. “But it can’t be any use where I’m putting it away.”
I chuckle. “I wanna make a joke about how you can get it in my mouth too, but if I told you that’s where I wanted it, you’d know I was lying, wouldn’t you?”
A grin sweeps across his face. “You know damn well I’d know.”
It’s annoying that he knows, but I love it too.
“You ever been to that pizza place off Breznel?” I ask.
“A few times.”
“They happen to have calzones?”
“I wouldn’t go if they didn’t.”
I smile. “Well, good. Then I guess you can take me there.”
He winces, then moves closer, until his lips are inches from mine. “Luke Waters, you asking me out on a date?”
“I asked if you knew that pizza place. But I wasn’t asking you on a date.”
He eyes me suspiciously.
“I wastellingyou we’re going on a date.”
He laughs. “You dork.”
“Hey, I’m not the one who likes a sexy dork.”
He blushes, and God, this is one of only a handful of times I’ve seen Brad Henning blush about something. It’s adorable.
“I’ll go on a date with you, Straight Boy.”
Now I’m the one blushing.
We get off the floor and grab our things. Brad leads me on a shortcut through the woods to the main road, and we wind up a few blocks from the pizza place. Once there, we order at the front, then settle in a booth, placing the coiled stand with our numbers displayed for the server.
The place is pretty busy, which isn’t surprising. I recognize some kids from St. Lawrence, and there are older couples and some families I imagine live in downtown Lawrenceville.
“You like a lot of meat in your calzone,” I note, since he got steak and sausage in his.
Is it weird that I like finding out shit like this about him?
“And you prefer to keep it simple with pepperoni and cheese.”
“With all that’s going on in my life, I love the idea of playing it safe with my calzone.”