Page 3 of The President

He throws his hands up and I watch with a great deal of interest as his fingers grip his hair and he pulls while groaning out loud. “I’m getting too old for this shit,” he grumbles. “Shoulda never said yes when they voted me in as the club president. I’m not equipped to handle any of this at all.”

“What? Mated brothers or children?” I ask, suddenly curious to know everything about him and the club he’s a part of. From what little I’ve learned since moving here, the club itself kind of sticks together, but they’re protective over the town, especially the humans.

“Both,” he admits, smirking at me. “The girls are great, funny as hell actually, and they keep my brothers in line with their antics. But both Chaos and Stealth, who oversee the protection of the club and all its members, are going to extremes.”

“How so?” I ask. His words continue to pique me as I listen to him speak. I suspect he normally wouldn’t share so much and then realize ifIfelt the tug of the mate call, he must’ve as well. It’s the only thing I can think of because he doesn’t strike me as the type of male who would volunteer so much information to an absolute stranger.

But to his soul, you’re not a stranger,my wolf reminds me.

I would roll my eyes at her, but I can’t be rude to him, so I mentally shrug.

It’s true,she insists.He’s delicious, too.

My wolf is a hussy, obviously, taken in by a strong, muscular male with salt and pepper hair and a growly, husky voice. Although… I can’t really blame her since he’s very attractive and there are parts of me that have definitely noticed. Right now, I’m glad I have on my padded bra since my nipples are on high alert due to his proximity.

“Let me write down the instructions for these last two items,” I say, pulling a pad of paper from below the counter along with a pen. As I write, I continue, “If they have any questions, please let them know to call me.” I attach my business card to the instructions and fold it together before placing it inside of an envelope then placing it inside of the bag.

“I’m sure they will, and I’ll definitely pass that along,” he replies, handing me his credit card.

I ring up his purchases and place them in the bag with the instructions, then hand him his receipt, his card, and of course, the bag itself. “Thank you, Fox.”

I may recognize he’s my mate, but I have no clue what to do right now. I don’t want our interaction to end, but it’s not like he can hang around the store all day long.

He smirks at me as though he realizes where my thoughts have strayed and asks, “Do you have time to go and grab something to eat?”

Nodding, I grab the keys to the store and say, “Lead the way.”

Once we’re settled in the booth at the diner and have placed our orders, he looks at me and says, “You’re my mate, Vivienne.”

Well, alrighty then. He’s a take the bull by the horns type of male and I find myself liking that fact. He’s nothing like my father, but I’m reminded of him all the same since he’s got some of the few characteristics. Spirited. Headstrong. Takes initiative. Protective of those under his care. His decisiveness has me smiling in remembrance. I find myself longing to meet the women he shopped for, instinctively knowing they would likely become good friends.

“I know,” I admit. I have the knowledge of what we are to one another, but I need him to take the lead here because I’m in foreign territory when it comes to moving forward with getting to know the person predestined for you.

He sighs while reaching for my hand that’s sitting on the table. “Honestly, I never thought I’d say those words. I mean, I know we live long lives, but still, I didn’t think it would happen to me.”

“Why not?” I ask.

“Because in all this time, it seemed like something that happened to other shifters. When I started the club, none of us thought we’d find our mates, you know?” At my nod, he continues. “So, when first Chaos then Stealth found theirs, it got the rest of us thinking it might be a possibility. I just never expected to find mine in an apothecary store in my own town,” he replies.

“If it helps, I’ve only been here for about six months or so,” I tell him.

He chuckles then asks, “What brought you to Zephyr Hills?”

“Protection,” I whisper, as though the walls can hear me. While I think I’m far enough away from my former pack, I still worry that somehow, they’ll find me and the life I’ve been building will all be for naught.

Chapter Two


I feel a growl rising up in my chest and know when I look at her, she’s seeing my wolf peering back. “Protection from what, exactly?” I question.

While she ponders my request, my mind races with things I need to do in order to ensure she’s safe and secure. My wolf wants me to toss her over my shoulder and head to my den at the clubhouse where I can ensure nothing touches her but me, but I know she’s not ready for that quite yet.

At least our den has been kept free from others,my wolf reminds me.

Like many wolves, my bedroom, or den, is sacrosanct. No other female has crossed the threshold, even though I honestly thought I’d never have a mate of my own, it was instinctual for me to protect the sanctity of my space. I briefly wonder what I might need to change to make sure she’ll be comfortable there, but then decide she can do whatever she wants once I’ve claimed her. After all, anything that’s mine will be hers. That’s the way mating works, it’s ingrained into the male to provide all things for his other half, including the financial and emotional support our soulmates may need.

I realize she hasn’t answered me yet, but the fact she’s wringing her hands together and the fear that’s wafting around the room has me reaching across the table and putting my hand on top of hers.