Happy with my plan of action, I headed out to my bike, strapped on my helmet, then slung my leg over until I was sitting comfortably on my seat. Hitting the start button, I grinned as the unmistakable rumble started then increased when I twisted the throttle.
“Well, this isn’t too bad,” I muttered while walking down the sidewalk toward an apothecary store. Didn’t even know what the fuck that was, but when I asked the waitress about some of the items on the list, she told me I could find them at Vivi’s. Apparently, the owner is an herbalist, and she carried the shit Tressa and Nini swore they had to have to survive their pregnancies.
When I found the shop, I opened the door and stepped inside, only to be hit with the most delicious smell to ever cross my nose.
Calla lilies and mint.
I was barely inside when I heard a female ask, “Can I help you find something?”
Turning, I saw a tall, striking woman standing there and realized the scent was coming from her, especially since it grew stronger the closer I got.
“Hi, my name is Fox and I’m looking for a few things. The waitress at the diner says you carry them,” I replied, handing her the list.
“Vivienne Lafontaine, but most people call me Vivi. If you’ll follow me, I have them over here.”
“Mate, I’ll follow you anywhere,”my mind whispered.
Chapter One
Spearmint, leather, and newly cut grass,I murmur to myself as I move to the shelves that house the items that are on the list that Fox handed me. I’ve been in Zephyr Hills for almost six months now and know for a fact I’ve never seen or scented the male who’s currently waiting by the register area.
Mate, my wolf claims, causing me to lose my footing and stumble slightly.
“You okay?” he asks, suddenly at my side, cupping my elbow to keep me from falling on my face.
His touch momentarily stuns me. The last time anyone had their hands on me was the day I tearfully hugged my best friend goodbye then climbed into my Jeep to leave the pack I grew up in and my pending future behind. As a tactile person, I’ve missed it; my father was affectionate toward me growing up, so I’m used to being hugged. I honestly didn’t realize how much until his hand grabbed my elbow, so I didn’t faceplant.
“Yes, sorry,” I murmur, reluctantly pulling away. “So, your mate must be expecting?” I ask as I begin pulling the items off the shelf, sticking them into the pocket on the front of the apron I wear while in the store.
He chuckles and I find myself liking the sound as visions of pleasure dance in my head. I barely hold back my shiver, wanting to fall into his arms and stay there forever.
“No, I’m picking up stuff for my brothers’ mates,” he finally says. “They’re out of town and I drew the short straw.” This time, he laughs out loud, and I can’t stop the lick of desire that courses through me at the sound.
It’s dark and dangerous, but also sounds like safety.So weird.
“It’s kind of you to help your brothers,” I reply. “I was an only child.”
“They’re my MC brothers,” he gruffly states. “But better than my blood siblings ever were.”
I can hear a thread of hurt in his tone and I find myself wanting to reach out to him to soothe him. I really wish Angie was here right now because she might know the answer to the questions that are flying through my brain. I make a note to reach out to her later to get her thoughts on the situation.
“Ah, I understand,” I say, even though I have no clue whatsoever about motorcycle clubs outside what I’ve read in romance books.
“No, you don’t, sweetheart, but it’s okay. You will, I promise,” he states.
Shrugging, I finish gathering the items that are on his list and carry them over to the counter so I can make sure I haven’t forgotten anything. As I mentally go through all the products I carry that will help a woman who’s pregnant deal with some of the unpleasant aspects of that, I realize I have a few others that might help as well.
“I need to grab a few more things, Fox,” I tell him. “The list is pretty good, but I’ve compounded several herbs which might make life a bit more pleasant for these women.”
“Anything that’ll help Tressa and Nini will be great,” he says. “Because then their mates won’t be growling at everyone at every single movement.”
I snicker then quickly cover my mouth in shock. I can’t believe I just pictured these people as though I’ve met them before. Shaking my head, I pick up a bag of herbal salts and another that has a soothing balm in it and add them to the pile. “This right here is good to use during bathing, and the balm is applied like a lotion,” I tell him. “Both will allow the herbs to enter their systems and provide relief.”
“Thank the goddess,” he mutters. “I probably could’ve handled one of them being pregnant, but they’re best friends and with both of them carrying pups? I have two overly protective, growly brothers running around the clubhouse.”
“Wait until the children are born,” I advise, grinning at him. If he thinks things are bad now, he’s going to have one helluva wakeup call once they’re born.