With a deep breath, I pull back slightly to meet Vance’s gaze once again, seeing the same resolve mirrored in his eyes. Without speaking a word, we share an unspoken vow – we will find a way out of this limbo, together. Our love may be new and tested by trials, but here in this strange afterlife-type place, it remains unbroken and unwavering.
Hand in hand, we rise to our feet, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. The path before us may be shrouded in mystery and uncertainty, but as long as we have each other, I know we can overcome anything in our way.
With Vance by my side, I am no longer afraid.
There’s no explaining the magic or the power coursing through my veins. One moment I was stepping through the portal with Malia’s body in my arms, the next I was falling into a dark abyss and walking into the midst of the battle I left behind.
As my senses gradually return, I find myself ensnared in the chaos of the battlefield, the acrid scent of death and smoke hanging heavy in the air. The ground beneath me is hard and unforgiving, the sharp tang of blood mingling with the metallic taste of fear.
With a groan, I push forward, my muscles protesting every movement. My head throbs. The faces of my brothers flash before my eyes, their expressions etched with determination and resolve as they fought against the Shikari horde.
But now, the battlefield lies eerily quiet. The clash of steel and the roar of magic have been replaced by an unsettling silence, broken only by the distant cries of the wounded and the occasional crackle of residual energy.
My heart clenches with dread as I search for any sign of Cove and Bhodi amidst the wreckage. They were in my sight a few moments ago, I’m sure they were, their presence a source of strength and courage against overwhelming odds. But now, they seem to have vanished without a trace.
Panic threatens to consume me as I scramble to my feet, my mind racing with a thousand terrifying possibilities. Could they have been captured by the Shikari? Injured beyond recognition? Lost in the chaos of battle?
I shake my head, banishing the thoughts of despair that threaten to drown me. I cannot afford to give in to fear, not when the fate of our world hangs in the balance. I steel myself and set out to search for my brothers.
Step by agonising step, I navigate the battlefield, alert for any sign of movement or life. The ground is littered with the debris of war – broken weapons and the fallen bodies of our foe. I’ve never seen a horde of Shikari this vast before. Their numbers should be impossible, but there’s no denying the casualties surrounding me run into the thousands.
As I shuffle through the wreckage, a glimmer of hope flickers in my chest. Perhaps Cove and Bhodi managed to escape the carnage unscathed, seeking refuge through the portal. With that thought fueling my resolve, I quicken my pace, each stride bringing me closer to the possibility of reunion – the portal that will lead me back home.
Malia is struggling. I’m concerned about her. There are a thousand questions in her eyes, but none pass her tongue. Instead she forces smiles, pretends she’s calm with our situation, like she has no worries in the world.
In some ways it’s worse than watching her fall apart, because for whatever reason, she doesn’t feel she can fall apart with only me here, and that hurts. Regret grips me every time I catch her shoulders slumping or her eyes filling with despair, only for her to stand taller and smile brighter when she notices me watching.
I think if any of the others were here, she wouldn’t feel the need to hide her real feelings from them. But I don’t know how I can reassure her that we’re in this together. I’ve not got the answers, and I’ve probably got just as many questions as her – if not more – but at least we’re not alone.
It’s beautiful here. It could be a paradise.
The soft rustle of leaves fills the air around us, the gentle breeze carrying with it a sense of peace that seems to elude Malia. She walks ahead, her steps heavy with unspoken burdens, her eyes fixed on the horizon as if searching for answers in the distant mountains. I fall into step beside her, the silence between us stretching like taut wire. I want to reach out, to offer her some solace, but I know that words would be inadequate.
Instead, I match her pace, letting her know that she is not alone in this struggle.
As we walk, the landscape shifts around us, transforming from lush greenery to a barren wasteland. The contrast is stark, a reflection of the turmoil within Malia’s heart I think. Yet, even in this desolate place, there are signs of life – a lone flower pushing its way through the cracked earth, a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. I glance at Malia, and a flicker of emotion crosses her face. A glimmer of hope amidst the despair.
I reach out and gently touch her arm, and she turns to look at me, the hesitation clear.
She pauses a beat too long, to the point that I fear she’s not going to open up to me, but then she lets out a deep shuddering breath.
“I’m scared,” she confesses, her eyes searching mine for reassurance.
Her hand trembles so I squeeze it gently. “We both are,” I admit, my own fears bubbling to the surface, but I squash them down and pull Malia into my arms, holding her close. “We’ll get through this together. I promise.”
Malia’s shoulders slump and she leans into my embrace, allowing herself to finally let go of the façade she’s been holding onto for so long.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” I murmur, rubbing circles on her back in an attempt to soothe her.
The weight of her burdens seems to ease a little, and I hope she finds some solace in the warmth of our shared embrace. The landscape around us shifts once more, transforming back into a vibrant paradise, mirroring the newfound peace within her. The soft rustle of leaves becomes a symphony of life.
Malia finally speaks, her voice no longer strained with the effort of hiding her fears. “Thank you for being here for me,” she whispers, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “With me. I don’t know what I’d do if I was facing this alone.”
I hold her tighter, my own heart swelling with gratitude for this new bond we have no choice but to share. “I’ll always be here for you,” I promise. “With you, if you’ll have me.”
As our lips meet in a gentle, tentative kiss, the world around us falls away, leaving only the warmth of our shared breath and the soft brush of our lips. The touch is electric, sending shivers down my spine and igniting a spark deep within me that had been dormant for so long before she entered my life.
Malia’s lips are soft and yielding against mine, her hands cradling my face tenderly as if trying to convey all the emotions she can’t put into words. I deepen the kiss ever so slightly, savouring her taste, her sweetness.