And then, just when all seems lost, a voice breaks through the chaos. It’s Malia’s voice, soft and gentle yet filled with an unyielding resolve.
“You are not alone,” she whispers, her words a guiding light in the darkness.
With her words echoing in my mind, I find renewed strength surging through my veins. It’s as if her spirit is beside me, guiding my every move and lending me her boundless energy.
Together, we fight as one with renewed vigour, our powers combining to create a dazzling display of light and energy that cuts through the darkness like a beacon of hope. The Shikari falter under our onslaught, their ranks thinning as they face the strength of our unity.
But although we gain the upper hand, I know that victory is not guaranteed. The Shikari are cunning and ruthless, and they will not go down without a fight.
I know that we can win this battle though. Malia may be gone, but her spirit lives on in us, fuelling our resolve to protect this world from the darkness that threatens to consume it. And with that knowledge filling my heart, I unleash the full extent of my power, ready to face whatever comes our way.
The ground trembles beneath our feet under the weight of the Shikari’s most powerful attacks, but we stand firm, a united front against the encroaching darkness. Cove’s determination is palpable, his magic intertwining seamlessly with mine, creating a shield of light that repels the enemy forces.
As we push back against the tide of malevolent creatures, something glints in the distance. A glimmer of hope lights up the horizon. The portal, once closed, begins to crack open again, but this time it radiates a warm, golden light that fills us with renewed strength.
Through the fissure in reality steps a figure clad in a shimmering aura, wielding a sword that blazes with righteous fire. Reef, returned from Aerwyna, his eyes ablaze with fierce determination.
With a mighty roar, Reef charges into battle beside us, his sword cutting through the enemy ranks, like a scythe through wheat. His presence reinvigorates us, and together we become a formidable force to be reckoned with.
The Shikari are pushed back, their numbers dwindling as our combined powers overwhelm them. With one final surge of magic, we unleash a devastating blast that obliterates the remaining creatures in a blinding flash of light.
As the dust settles and silence descends upon the battlefield, I look around at my companions.
We are battered and bruised, but alive.
“Brother, you’re hit,” Cove says, his voice laced with urgency and concern.
I glance down at a rapidly blooming bloodstain, spreading across the fabric like a sinister flower, its crimson petals unfurling with a grotesque elegance.
“Oh.” It doesn’t hurt. Why doesn’t it hurt?
There’s a jarring pain through my legs and I don’t even realise I’ve fallen, until Cove curses and heaves me up, staggering through the portal with me, barely conscious now, in his arms.
He holds me in his arms while I cry an ocean of tears. Time seems to blur, the passing minutes merging into an endless cascade of grief. I bury my face against his chest, seeking solace in the warmth of his embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat a comforting lullaby in the midst of my turmoil.
I have no idea how long it takes, but when I have nothing left to give, my eyes finally close, exhaustion weighing heavy upon my soul. The world around us fades into obscurity, replaced by a sense of calm, of peace and tranquility, that washes over me like a soothing wave. It’s an eerie sensation, being suspended in this ethereal realm, neither here nor there, yet somehow everywhere all at once.
I’m dead.
But I’m not alone.
My heart breaks for the professor, to see him here in the afterlife with me. His presence is a bittersweet reminder of the life left behind, the battles fought, and the sacrifices made. But amidst the sorrow, there’s a glimmer of gratitude, knowing that in this strange afterlife, we’re not condemned to face our trials alone. I am glad that this is a storm I don’t have to weather alone – even though that’s incredibly selfish of me.
We lie there in silence, wrapped in each other’s arms, the weight of our shared grief hanging heavy in the air. The world around us fades into insignificance as we cling to each other, seeking solace in the familiarity of our embrace. It’s a fragile moment, suspended in time, where past and present converge in a delicate dance of emotions.
My mind races with questions and doubts, but I push them all aside for now, choosing to focus on the warmth of Vance’s embrace and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against my cheek. In this strange, otherworldly place, there’s no room for uncertainty or fear. All that matters is the here and now, the connection we share, and the love that binds us together.
“Is this the afterlife?” I eventually whisper to Vance.
“I don’t think so,” he replies softly.
“Why not?” I ask, pulling back slightly so that I can look him in the eye. His expression is unreadable.
“Because I never did anything worthy enough in my lifetime to justify an eternity here, with you.”
Warmth spreads from my chest through my entire body at his words and all I can do is nod, all other questions dying on my tongue. Instead, I hold Vance tight and try to pour all of my gratitude and love into my embrace.
As the initial shock of our situation begins to subside, a new sense of determination wells up inside me. If we’re not dead, then there’s a chance. We may be lost in this unknown place, but I refuse to give up hope. There must be a way back, a way to set things right and return to our world. With every fibre of my being, I cling to the belief that our journey is far from over, that there’s still a chance for redemption and reconciliation.