Page 45 of Guardian's Soul

One thing led to another, and soon we were both panting again as somehow she ended up impaled on my cock.

When we were finally dressed, it was time to go meet with Possedion. The very thought of him raised my anger to unknown levels. I would have loved nothing more than to putmy fingers around his throat and squeeze until his lifeless form lay in a heap by my feet.

By the door, I hesitated. Taking a deep breath, I said, "Give me a moment."

She placed her hand on my shoulder and clasped it affirmingly. "You won't kill him."

She was more confident than me, and I shook my head.

"We need him," she stated.

I took another deep breath, getting my emotions under control. Funny, I never had problems withemotionsbefore. I just simply didn't have them. But now, it seemed they were constantly all over the place.

I placed my hand on the scanner—a small added measure of security we had installed before we reached Ohrur—and the doors slid open.

Possedion stood by a chair, staring out into the black void through the window with his back to us. He turned when he heard the door open. I felt it again right then. When I took him earlier, I thought my battle emotions were playing a trick on me, but I was wrong. The evilness coming off the Ohrur in waves was nearly drowning me. My blood simmered hot in my veins to kill him. This male had done unspeakable things. I felt it with every fiber of my being.

"What have you done?" he snarled, and I took a step forward. My hands were opening and closing in anticipation of the kill.

"I think you're mistaken about your position here, Possedion. I'm the one asking questions." My voice was cold because it took all I could not terminate him as my instincts demanded. The same instincts that had made me into such a successful bounty hunter.

His expression turned sad as he shook his head. "Oh, Tharaax, I thought better of you. So much better. You are one of our best Space Guardians, and then comes one of these… witches around?—"

"Careful," I advised in a clipped tone, sensing my iron control slowly returning.

He ignored the advice and continued as if I hadn't spoken, "Do you think you're the first to fall for one of her kind?"

"Since the humans have barely been discovered, I do," I responded, taking a careful, deep breath, not letting him in on what I felt.

"It's not just the humans. These females are everywhere, trying to infiltrate?—"

"You crazy bastard," Hannah snarled, and I held her back. This was just the contact I needed to regain control of my emotions fully. Possedion was lying. There was no doubt in my mind, but I also sensed that I needed to find out how far he would go and what he might divulge. Ohrurs weren't very strong, but they had one big advantage: their level of pain tolerance was incredibly high. We could torture him for days without getting any information from him. Frygg, we might inadvertently kill him before he did.

"It's all right, Hannah, let him talk." I was still holding on to her arm, more for myself than to stop her now. I needed the contact with her skin. It grounded me.

She gave me an unreadable look but took a step back. "By all means."

I yearned to retake her arm, but at least I was able to shake the instinct to kill Possedion for the time being.

"As I was saying." Possedion couldn't help himself but look smug. In his eyes, I had just rebuked Hannah, and I mentally asked her for forgiveness. I should have discussed our interrogation technique before, but honestly, I didn't know he would act like this. I had expected him to be angry, furious. Or scared, but not this… all-knowing. Or pretending to be.

"Many species would just love to get their hands on our Space Guardians," he continued, glaring at Hannah, who glaredright back. "They've been trying to infiltrate us for years. They've attempted this Soulweb Glyph stunt before."

"Soulweb Glyphs?" I repeated, liking the sound of it and, for some reason, feeling it resonating deep inside me. But I was too focused on Possedion right then to give it any deeper thought. Later, I told myself, later, I would do a deep search on Soulweb Glyphs.

"It's like a poison they inject," Possedion continued, clueless that I wasn't believing a word he said. "It alters your brain, makes you… question."

"Like what kind of species he is?" Hannah interjected.

Possedion looked from her to me, his expression thoughtful. "One of the points they like to use is to make you question us," he agreed.

"Interesting, so what species am I?" I asked.

He actually looked almost heartbroken. "Why do you have to do this to us? To yourself? You're better off not knowing. Trust me."

"Trust you?" I arched a brow at him.

He let out a defeated sigh. He was good. Convincing even, as if… I explored that idea… as if this wasn't the first time this happened. Not that I believed anything he said about the poison, but if this had happened before, it made sense for him to be prepared about it—that revelation made my skin crawl.