Page 46 of Guardian's Soul

Possedion moved to the window and looked out as if there was actually something to see on the other side.

"Looking for your rescue team?" I prodded.

"Trying to figure out how deep she already ensnares you," he replied.

Behind me, Hannah huffed.

"You better brace yourself," Possedion advised.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Go on, I'm as braced as I'll ever get."

"You aren't any particular species. You are a cross breedmade up of many species. A hybrid." Possedion paused, studying me to see if… what? If I faltered? I wouldn't give him that satisfaction, but Hannah's words about clones and lab babies came back to me, and I didn't like that idea. Not one bit.

"So what?" I scoffed. "We are made up of some kind of gene cocktail?"

Possedion nodded. "As a matter of fact, one of the finest."


The Ohrur was good.I only hoped Thrax wasn't buying any of his bullshit. His expression was unreadable, making my stomach cramp with unease. For some reason, I felt like I had been here before. Listening to Ohrurs spouting nothing but bullshit and lies and increasing my resentment for Possedion. No, resentment wasn't a strong enough word. I hated this man with all my being, much more than I reasonably should have. "So you want us to believe he was brewed up and raised in a lab?"

"To simplify things for your sake, yes." Possedion glared at me.

"If that is true, give me access to your database, and I will research your claim." Thrax dared him.

I smirked. I bet the Ohrur hadn't seen this one coming.


"Fine?" I echoed, totally taken by surprise.

"I'll do anything to make you see what you've gotten yourself into. You are like our… sons." Possedion looked at Thrax almost fatherly, turning my stomach.

Thrax held out his comm. "Go ahead."

With a gleam he failed to hide, Possedion did as told, handing Thrax the comm back when he was done.

"I will check your claim," Thrax told him and grabbed my elbow to lead me out.

"Hold on." I protested. "Just like that? We can't?—"

"Let's check this data out," Thrax said in a deep voice, sending a look at Possedion that seemed to say,I want to trust you.

Frustrated, I huffed and opened my mouth, but Thrax shook his head. "I have to give him the benefit of the doubt."

"Oh, come on, you can't be serious. Remember how we met? I had no clue who you were or if you would be there. How could I have plannedensnaringorbewitchingyou?" I nearly stomped my foot for good measure. Anger simmered inside my veins. How could he throw away everything we had gone through this far? How could he even consider… and then something else hit me: fear. If Possedion succeeded with his lies… I was at Thrax's mercy. There was no police here I could simply call. If he decided to drop me off on an asteroid or send me into a sun, there was nothing I could do about that. Strangely, that notion didn't scare me half as much as losing Thrax did. Or what it would do to him if he really did hurt me and later found out the truth.

"You evil, lying—" I lunged at Possedion, but Thrax caught me easily midair.

"Let's go."

The door had barely closed behind us before Thrax pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

"By the eternal darkness, I needed that," he said when we came up for air.

"You needed that?" I asked, pulling a finger up to my swollen lip. Hell, I needed that.

"You don't believe him?" I dared to hope.