When I start coughing, Vin grabs my arm and leads me over to the second ambulance. “My brother has smoke inhalation,” he informs them. They tell me to sit and I drop down on the ledge of the open back door. An EMT straps an oxygen mask around my head and I take a few deep breaths, my gaze moving over to where they’re loading Blake into the back of the other truck. I rip the mask off and hop up.
“I’m going with her.”
“No, you’re not,” the EMT states. “Family only in the back. But, we can drive you over to the hospital as soon as we’re done here.”
“You need more oxygen,” Vin says in a no-nonsense voice, pushing me back down and handing me the mask. “Don’t worry, Ang, we’ll get you to the hospital as soon as you’re not coughing up a lung.”
With an annoyed frown, I grab the mask and take more deep breaths. My brothers surround me, not letting me get up again until they’re sure I’m okay. Only after the EMT checks me over and says I can go, do they allow me up.
“C’mon,” Miceli says, “Let’s go to the hospital and check on your girl.”
I nod and we hurry over to the SUV.
“Did anyone see if Gallo got out?” Enzo asks.
But, no one did. “The last I saw him, he was running back into the hallway which was already on fire. I have no idea if he made it out another way or not.”
“Guess we’ll find out later if his body turns up,” Leo states.
“If he did manage to get out, there were three bounty hunters waiting for him, thanks to Blake,” I say.
“Yeah, what the hell happened?” Miceli asks as we climb into the car.
“My girl placed Gallo on the Kill List—made the call right in front of one of the bounty hunters and offered five million for his delivery.”
My brothers burst out laughing and I can’t help but smile. I’m so damn proud of her for thinking fast and getting us out of that situation.
“You found yourself a good woman, Ang,” Miceli states, and my brothers and Leo instantly chime in with their agreement.
“I just hope she’s okay. That fucker shot at us and she jumped in front of me. The bullet hit her shoulder.”
“She jumped in front of you?” Vin asks.
“Yeah, we’ve kind of been doing that lately. Protecting each other bodily. She might be small, but she’s the bravest woman I’ve ever met. If anything happens to her…” My voice trails off and my heart constricts painfully. “I can’t lose her.”
“You won’t,” Enzo states confidently. “She’s tough. She’ll pull through.”
She has to pull through,I think. Because I love that woman more than words can even express.
When we arrive at the hospital, we rush in and find out that Blake is currently being checked over by an emergency room doctor. Heart in my throat, I want to go in and be by her side. Instead, I sit down in the waiting room, surrounded by my brothers.
“Carlotta is blowing up my phone,” Vin says, standing up. “I better fill her in before she hunts us down.”
While my brother wanders off to talk to Carlotta, I do my best to be patient. After what feels like forever, the doctor finally comes out and I pop up, my brothers and Leo surrounding me. He tells us Blake is fine and I slump in relief. She has a nasty graze, but he stitched her up and said she’s been asking for me non-stop. I’m allowed to see her and when I first lay eyes on her, my heart fills with so much love that it nearly bursts.
“Oh, thank God,” I murmur, walking up to her and grabbing her hand. She’s propped up, her lower back against a pile of pillows so she doesn’t accidentally lean on her wound, and she’s wearing a loose-fitting hospital gown. I’ve never seen her look so vulnerable before and I lean in and gently press my lips against hers. “Do you have any idea how worried I was?”
She smiles at me as I brush her hair back and tuck it behind her ear. “Thank you for rescuing me. I guess I can’t always save myself.”
“I will always be here to rescue you, Blake. Do you have any idea how much I’ve fallen? How every time I look at you, my heart explodes with love?”
“Angelo…” she whispers, her aqua eyes shining with tears. “I didn’t get to say it yet since we were running for our lives but…I love you, too.”
Hearing those words sends me over the moon. “As soon as I can get you out of here, I am taking you right back to my apartment. I hope you realize that I am not letting you go. Not ever. And, fair warning, Rossi men are very possessive and protective of those they love. So, you’re moving in with me, too.”
“So bossy,” she murmurs, but sends me a beautiful smile.