“You’re not going anywhere,” Carmine Gallo threatens in a low voice, stepping into the bedroom. He’s covered in blood, limping, and looks like he just got run over by a semi truck. His gun is gone, but he lifts his hand which is clutching my knife. The very same knife Angelo stabbed him with earlier.
Oh, God.The situation just went from bad to worse and I have no idea how we’re going to escape this maniac again. The determined look in his eyes tells me all I need to know—he won’t stop until he kills us.
Just when I think we’re in the clear, Carmine Gallo comes stumbling into the room, eyes wild, covered in blood and looking like he belongs on an episode of The Walking Dead. My attention drops to the knife in his soot-covered hand and my jaw clenches. We’re so close to getting out of here and I won’t let this asshole stop us or hurt Blake in any way. She’s already hurt enough, thanks to him.
It’s up to me to save us.
Setting Blake down on her feet, making sure to keep her outside on the balcony in the fresh air and out of Gallo’s direct aim, I order her to wait there. Am I counting on my little butterfly to listen? Probably not. If I’ve learned anything, she’s far too strong-willed and independent to take orders from anyone, including me.
Stepping back into the smoky bedroom, I take a quick inventory of the room, searching for something I can use as a weapon. I think we’re in a guest bedroom and it’s pretty typical of what I’d expect—bed, dresser and a nightstand with a lamp. Unfortunately, it’s too far out of my reach. However, the onething I don’t expect to see is a pair of crossed swords hanging on the wall. Before Gallo can get too close, I reach over and grab one, yanking it right off the wall. Turning to face him, I wield it back and forth like some kind of pirate ready to sword fight. Let’s just hope this isn’t a fucking duel to the death.
Advancing on Gallo, noticing the way his eyes dip nervously to the steel in my hand, I definitely feel like I hold the advantage. Not sure how long that feeling is going to last, so I need to move fast.
“You really want to do this?” I ask, nodding to the small knife he grips. I’m not sure what happened to his gun, but I’m glad it’s gone.
“Your girlfriend…your family…they’re standing in my way.” It’s clear he’s in pain because he can barely get the words out.
Instead of taking a step toward me, though, he takes a step backwards. Looks like he doesn’t want a showdown, after all.
I can hear the fire engines arriving and I advance on him. “You have exactly three seconds to get the fuck out of here before I slice you in half.”
His eyes widen at my words, but they’re no mere threat. I’ve had enough of this asshole. He shot Blake and I want my vengeance.
“One…” I hiss.
“This isn’t over,” he tells me, moving further away, stepping into the smoky hallway.
“Two…” I ignore his petty threat and swing the sword wide. Before I can say three, he spins and runs away like the coward that he truly is. Releasing a pent-up breath, I hear Blake call my name.
Turning around, I see her standing on the balcony, weaving slightly, and I drop the sword and hurry over. Gathering her up into my arms before she can fall, I pull her close and check out the wound on the back of her shoulder. Her leather jacket is torn and blood is oozing through the tear.Fuck.She’s losing too much blood and that must be why she’s so woozy.
“Hurry!” I yell over the side of the balcony.
The firemen have a ladder truck with a platform, and it’s slowly rising to meet us.Too damn slowly, though.I press my forehead against Blake’s, trying to ignore the crackling of the fire which I can now hear. The hallway must be in flames because the smoke is pouring out through the open balcony doors, practically consuming us. I’m not going to pretend it’s not scary as fuck.
“Hang in there, kitten. We’re almost out of here,” I whisper in her ear. She’s barely conscious and I’m so damn worried about her.
As soon as the platform reaches out, the fireman swings the gate open and I hand him Blake. Once she’s secured, I climb over the railing and step onto our ride to safety. “She was shot,” I tell the fireman.
“We’ll take her straight to the ambulance,” he assures me.
I’d been so preoccupied with Blake’s safety and then Gallo’s arrival, I hadn’t even seen the ambulance arrive.
“How many people are still in there?” he asks, nodding toward the burning mansion.
“I don’t know,” I tell him, too worried about Blake. “There were a lot, but now? Maybe one?”
And, if we’re lucky, Gallo won’t be escaping.
When we reach the ground, an EMT is already waiting with a gurney. They lay Blake out on it and my heart is thundering as they wheel her away.Shit.I start to follow, but then my brothers and Leo appear.
“Are you okay?” Miceli demands.
“What the hell happened?” Enzo asks.