Page 70 of Hellfire

Smiling, I shoved my phone back in my pocket and regrouped with my princess and sister. My heart inflated at my sister babbling about her latest podcast episode. She caught on fast about the new world and immersed herself in it. Soon, she’d be ready to tackle the whole therapy process.

Life felt like it came together for me, and I thought over all the good things that happened since my escape. I opened and owned my own business in magick purveying. I had my sister safely with me. I found someone who loved me and didn’t wantanything from me. I formed a kinship with three men I came to admire for their respective talents and qualities. And I had allies willing to trade and help those I loved. Yeah, life was fucking good for once.

“Tea and cookies?” I interrupted my girls, and they both glanced over, smiling and nodding vigorously. “Of course, you wouldn’t say no. You’ve both got a sweet tooth.” I filled up the kettle and flicked the switch on.

“A chocolate a day keeps the doctor away,” Luna sassed back.

I unscrewed the lid of the cookie jar. “Where’s your scientific evidence to corroborate that?”

“Right here.” She rubbed her belly.

I laughed and said, “You’re lucky Castor left. I think he’d denounce your scientific proof if he were still here.”

She poked out her tongue and went back to chatting with my sister. I watched them while I tossed tea bags into saucers, grabbed the milk from the fridge, and plated cookies. A renewed sense of hope flushed my body at Mary’s shy smiles and glances from beneath her lashes. I loved how quickly they bonded, how Luna made Mary feel comfortable and safe, when my sister spent a lifetime of degradation and abuse at the hands of the Brotherhood.

Thanks to Castor’s documentation, Mary had a life of endless possibilities ahead of her. Most importantly, she got to choose which possibility she pursued, and that filled my heart with joy more than anything.

Feeling even more reflective, I smiled that I was no longer the rogue snake fighting my old association and losing. I was surrounded by soldiers willing to go into battle for me, my sister, and I was willing to fight for them.

I took my new outlook with me to afternoon tea with my two favorite girls, holding onto my princess, tucking her to my side, laughing with them, having never felt freer and purposeful.

Once we downed our drinks and treats, we spent the next hour prepping all the ingredients for drying. Mary chopped up the roots and spread them across the six trays in the dehydrator. Once that lot was done, we’d dry the seeds in there, using trays with finer mesh grids. Luna and I tied up the herb sprigs, flower, and leaf bundles and hung them on the trellis in my courtyard at the back of my place. Six by six feet, it was tiny, more of a space to sneak a quick smoke rather than relax. Worked for me though, when I didn't want a garden to maintain or a lawn to mow, even though a space to grow my own herbs came in handy. I put that goal aside until I got my own place.

For now, I didn’t mind the ride out to the various shifter territories to replenish protective wards or collect spell ingredients. The open road and purr of the bike soothed me. There was something freeing about the open road. It lowered my tension after a busy week.

The three of us spent the rest of the afternoon harvesting the previous months’ supply of plant material. Technically, it only took two weeks to air dry, but I let mine dry for longer in the winter to be safe. Mary volunteered to crush up the leaves she plucked from branches. My princess and I refilled stock in jars, putting the new stuff in the bottom of the containers, and making up pre-prepared bags and bundles popular with the customers. My shelves looked alive again with all the fresh products on them.

By the end, we were exhausted, and I threw my arms over my girls, and asked, “Who wants pizza for dinner?”


Meet them in the west wing. Their instructions burned into my brain. What for, I still had no idea. I liked surprises and was willing to go along with their conspiring. My stomach wasn’t so happy. She burbled, demanding coffee and breakfast.

I glanced around the silent, empty halls, not used to being in the teaching wing without the bustle of students. The gloom gave me the creeps, and I rubbed my arms, chilled by the cold of the stone and wearing a sundress in winter. Where were my men to sweep me away for a mysterious weekend? I checked my watch again to make sure I was on time. Yep. 7AM Saturday morning. Maybe they were running late.

I leaned on the cool wall, tempted to pay the vending machine a last-minute visit to stock up on candy for the trip. The instant I took one step away from my position, I heard a scrape. I fell still and listened. Footsteps echoed down the hall. One set, by the sound of it.

Talon met me a few moments later with an enigmatic smile. He looked so striking in his navy wool coat, buttoned shirt, and light jeans contrasting with his chocolate skin.

“Morning, Princess.” His eyes swept the length of me in my pink sundress, denim jacket, and boots. “Very good. You wore a dress and look sexy. Come here.” He pulled me into his arms for a sweet kiss.

I followed their instructions to the letter, even the no underwear, which felt strange. Seeing as though they went to all the trouble to conspire for the hunting game, the mysterious invite, and our weekend away, I went along with it for them. A little gift in return.

“So do you.” I loved seeing him in casual attire when he usually wore his dark Tollen outfit during the day and his stone and superhero pants at night.

“Are you ready?” He brushed along my arms with his nails, and I shivered at the tingles bursting along my skin.

“Ready, curious, excited.” I bent to collect my bag, and he swatted me away, grabbing it and hauling it over his shoulder.

I loved that all my men were chivalrous.

“Where are we headed?” Yeah, I went there. The mystery was killing me. Now that we were about to leave, surely he’d give me a clue.

“Nice try, Princess.” Talon slid his brown-green eyes and his sly smile my way. “You’re not getting any details from me.”

Damn. I tried.

He laughed at my disappointment and linked our hands. “Come on.” He steered me out of the Academy to Cole’s waiting car, parked outside the gates, packing my bag in the trunk.