Page 69 of Hellfire

“There’s two ways.” He flicked out a finger for the first. “Sap from the Morrigan tree erases dark curses as it gives life and doesn’t take it.”

“Where can I get it?”

“There’s none left on Earth.”

“Great,” I muttered. “What else?”

Castor threw out a second finger. “You’ve gotfriendsup in the Capertee Valley, right?” By friends, he meant shifters. Specifically, Pack Lumbry.

“Yes, I do. Why?” I replied.

“They’re the only spot in the world to growBanksia penicillateflowers,” Castor explained. “The flower was traditionally used for coughs and sore throats. It also happens to erase dark magick curses.”

This was my personal hero. “My brother, you are a genius.”

“I know.” His confidence came with the gig of representing the smartest god in the Egyptian pantheon and being one hell of an attractive man.

“Think you can get me some? I’d love to study its other properties.”

I snorted, air quoting him. “Study,my ass.” He smiled at that. “My friendwasn’t happy with me for bringing Luna into his turf. I’ll ask, nonetheless.”

“Good.” Castor clapped me on the shoulder. “Call me if you manage it, and we’ll see what we can do for your friend.”

Blaze seemed miles better since Castor purged some darkness from him, but I sensed an ugliness deep within him that called to mine. “Appreciate any help we can get.”

“Before I forget.” Castor slipped out an envelope, laying it in my hand. “Mary’s documents are done.”

Fake birth certificate, school reports, and medical records with immunization records. Everything she needed to enroll in high school if she chose to. I went through them, and they looked legit. Fuck, I wanted to throw my arms over him, cry, and hug him for giving her this chance. For having more people to call friend than I initially thought.

“Thanks, man. Take care until next time, okay?” I got out, and let him out and closed the door, scrubbing my face.

I took a moment to realign before fishing out my phone and dialing my contact’s number. Asking him for another visit might sound weird considering I was just up his way, but fuck it. I wouldn’t leave Blaze tied to Camus the way Luna and I were. This madness had to end, and in the only way possible. With the Dark Lord gone.

My contact took a while to answer and grunted, “Hello,” as if he were in the middle of fixing one of his bikes… or doing something else I didn’t want to mention.

“Dash, buddy,” I said, making it quick in case it was the latter. “Long time no see.”

“Hang on,” he grunted. “I’m just tightening these brakes.” He set down the phone, and I waited about half a minute before he came back on the line. “What’s up? Miss me already?”

Time to throw the wolfy a major bone. “How would you like to get eighty percent off your monthly bill?”

“What do you need?” He cut right to the chase.

“Banksia penicillateflower,” I replied. “Heard of it?”

He went deadly silent for a few beats. “What do you need it for?”

Ah. His father taught him well. Always ask the hard questions. Scope out his allies and enemies.

No point beating about the bush. “To erase a dark curse placed on a friend. Think you could help a brother out?”

“You’ve got a deal.” The future Alpha of Pack Lumbry knew when to cut a deal. “Swing by tomorrow and I’ll have some for you.”

“I can’t this weekend,” I said. “I’m away for the weekend with Luna. What about Tuesday?”

All four of Luna’s princes planned this for weeks. The last two months, with all the bullshit politics at the Guild and Blaze’s kidnap, took its toll on everyone, and we all needed a little TLC.

“See you then.” Dash hung up, and that was that.