Kymbal’s red face paled to the color of snow. His time was coming. I hoped Talon found something to pin him, undermine his leadership, restore Venellan to his rightful role, and get Blaze back to teaching.
W.O.W. Talk about to be the best assembly yet. I wanted toSaturday Night Feverstrut this bitch through the auditorium. Instead, I settled for reaching up to tickle Brimstone’s chin, and bring down his resting dragon face.
The headmaster stared the auditorium down. “If you have used dark arts within this facility to cheat on tests, cause a student to fall in love with you, or get revenge on a fellow student for a petty squabble, you will be disciplined. Period.”
Angela and Terry glanced back at me, gazes hot with retribution, telling me they were offenders. We all heard the rumors about Angela spelling her ex-boyfriend to never be able to get his dick up for cheating on her, and him suffering a chronic bout of erectile dysfunction. Evidence of which I hadn’t been able to erase since the day she cracked open a portal into his bedroom, and we saw his pasty ass cheeks clenching as he pounded into some first-year female.
“The same warning applies to staff. Whoever you are, if you’ve dabbled in the dark arts, you will be interviewed, your studies or role put on hold, pending investigation. Depending on the severity of the matter, you may be going home with a mind wipe.”
Nightfire Academy’s student and teaching population was about to get smaller. By the sound of it, things were overdue for a clean-out.
I waved at Angela, and she slumped even further in her seat.
The headmaster reeled off a list of names, ratcheting up the tension as all eyes descended on the guilty parties.
Lots of petty comments flew around.
“Always knew she was a cheater into dirty spells.”
“So that’s how she got to dateinsert hot guy’sname.”
“Assembly dismissed.” The headmaster waved his hand. “Stay if your name was called.”
Students stumbled out of their seats and the auditorium, some in a daze, others whispering violently, a few crying as the Tollens seized their arms and dragged them away.
Astra and I remained put, squeezing the other’s hand, waiting as we usually did for the crowd to clear.
The headmaster descended the stairs and approached us. “Miss Prince, may I have a word?”
Crap. My stomach shrank with alarm. See me about what? Was dark magick found in my room? Or was I being punished by association for admitting Gable into the Academy’s grounds?
I gave Astra a final smile, and she pumped my hand before letting it go.
“See you in class,” she whispered, departing, glancing over her shoulder, tipping her head at her gargoyle nipping her ear.
“Yes, sir?” I stood up and met the headmaster, dreading my fate and the manilla folder he clutched to his side. My school file, perhaps? “Is this about me bringing Gable inside the Academy? Because I?—”
He raised a palm and lowered it in a placating gesture. “Much as I hate to admit it, we owe the rogue.”
I wish I had recorded that for Gable to hear. My Rock god would have to settle for my recital.
“Oh?” I raised a brow, waiting to hear the headmaster’s groveling apology.
“He saved Blaze from a fate I dare not contemplate.” The way he whispered it spoke of a deep affection for my bonded that went beyond mentor and mentee and into the territory of the headmaster considering Blaze family.
I didn’t know much about the headmaster besides odd references from Talon, Cole, and Blaze. I had no clue if he had a family or children or what he did in his spare time. He knew more about me than I’d ever know about him.
“Miss Prince,” the headmaster started, “there are factions within this institution who wish you gone.”
A hammer struck my ribcage and knocked the breath from my lungs. I was never going to be free of the suspicion clouding me like a permanent rain cloud hovering above me.
The headmaster clutched the folder to his chest. “We’ve managed to quiet those factions for now, but if they vote to demote or, God forbid, expel me, I can’t promise you that I can protect you.”
Something told me those factions involved the two Gildrons apprehended by Talon and Jes. Did they seek revenge against me for bringing Blaze back? What I really wanted to know was when I’d finally be safe from all this political madness and my grandfather’s scheming. An invisible snake wrapped around my shoulders, strangling me, the weight too heavy to carry.
“Why do you protect me, sir?” A question I never stopped asking myself. I was pretty confident of the answer but needed to hear it from his mouth.
“Because I regret not taking you in the night your parents came to the Academy’s door.” He rubbed at his chest as if pain struck him. “They could have been valuable allies.”