Page 23 of Hellfire

Nelle graffitied her filthy markings on my dorm door, now on my bonded, and I’d rather kick dirt on her proverbial grave than mourn her.

Venellan, who sat to the side with the head teachers, rose from his seat, approaching the podium, casting the weedy Kymbal aside. “Actually, students, Nelle was killed in an invasion of the Brotherhood’s castle.”

A collective gasp sucked the air from the auditorium. Heads swiveled from left to right as if they looked at Venellan to Kymbal, confused by what the heck was going on. I had a pretty good idea, based on being privy to Nelle’s treachery, though Talon never let on a thing about what appeared to be a coup to reappoint the rightful headmaster.

“Always knew she was brave,” Angela flicked her hair, proud of her bestie, clearly unaware of the truth.

Terry swiped at a faux tear. “Can’t believe she’s gone.”

Bitch, please.With Nelle out of the way, a new Mean Queen ascended to the crown, and she vied for the position.

Kymbal wrestled for the microphone back. “Get. Out. Of. My. Way!”

Talon stepped forward from behind the curtains, roughly seizing the dick’s arms, holding them behind his back in one hand.

“What is the meaning of this?” Kymbal hissed, his neck and face reddening with every futile struggle against a stronger and larger Talon, who’s

free palm clamped over the dick’s mouth and shut him up.

The headmaster gave an appreciative nod and went on, “Unfortunately, Nelle has been working with our enemy for anunspecified amount of time. She might have been born into the Brotherhood. We don’t know.”

The room’s attention shifted to me like I had something to do with it. I didn’t give them the time of day. Once, I would have cared. Now, not so much.

Astra stared them all down like her eyes hosed them with dragon fire, and I clasped her hand, thanking her with a squeeze.

Brimstone’s neck twisted as if he gave them the same resting dragon face.

Angela and Terry bent their heads and slumped in their chairs. The Mean Girls were nothing without their queen. Talk about an epic fall from grace. Maybe that crown wasn’t worth a dime anymore.

I was glad the headmaster didn’t go into the whole broken rules for Blaze rescue and shame me in front of the students. I didn’t need any more heat. Something told me this semester, though moving into the warmer months, were going to be cooler on the snake enemy front.

Venellan’s fingers tightened on the lectern. “Multiple forbidden dark magick spells were found in Nelle’s room, along with contraband in a total of ten student and staff quarters.”

News to me. Not surprising, given what she did to Blaze. Had she spelled Cole into dating her? Tried the same on Cole? Me? Snakes crawled on my skin, and I vowed to thoroughly go over my room tonight to check.

I wasn’t exactly the best judge of character when it came to seeing the darkness in someone. Nelle was right under my nose the last six months. I suspected the bitch was up to something, but I always thought it was her petty petition to get me booted from the Academy or hated by every single student.

“Whoa!” Astra whispered.

What she said.

Sworn to secrecy by Venellan, I hadn’t said a word to Astra about what went down at my grandfather’s castle. Some things were best left in the dark, until they came to light.

More shocked gasps and glances came my way. They faded into oblivion as I kept my eyes trained on Talon, who gave me a wink, telling me he was behind this unveiling. He never let on about an investigation, though I recalled Gable suggesting it. My heart gave a little patter at my Frog Prince shielding me from Nelle’s bullying, and again with this secret.

Astra gave me an elbow nudge, and a “Go, bestie! He’s mad about you!” under her breath, and my smile sprung free from hiding.

“This is outrageous!” Another Gildron from the front row of seats climbed the stage at Venellan’s takeover. One of Kymbal’s buddies. Another asshole who voted for Blaze’s suspension. “Unhand him, Darnax! He is the leader of this establishment.”

“Not anymore!” Talon made a show of pulling Kymbal’s arm tighter and making him whimper. “He’s under arrest for possessing contraband.”

He jerked his head, and Jes emerged from the shadows to the side of the stage, apprehending the man the instant he hit the top step.

She roughed him up with a sharp arm jerk behind his back. “How about we have a nice chat about the dark magick spells we found in your room, Gildron? What were they for, huh?”

“I’ll have you fired for this!” He cursed her as she hauled his ass backstage, the crowd’s shocked gasps escorting him.

This was not what we expected on our first day back from mid-year break. Assembly had more drama than a soap opera.