Okay, that felt way too good. It’s my first genuine smile all week. Who knew being an asshole could be so much fun. I think it calls for a celebration.
Me: Club tonight?
Braden: Does someone have some pent-up sexual tension?
Eli: How many times have you jacked off this week?
Me: Fuck off. I’ll see you bastards later, and I won’t be jerking off tonight.
What a prick. It’s not the request that bothers me, it’s the fricking delivery. Other than not going out with Walker and Ben tonight, I’m not upset about it. And hopefully, I’ll be getting paid extra. It sucks that I’ll have to tell my mom another white lie in addition to the ones I’ve been feeding her all week about how great my boss is. If I were to say what my job was this weekend, she’d insist on helping, and that’s not happening. I’ll use Walker as my cover and say I’m hanging at his place since that’s what used to happen before he got serious with Ben.
“How did it go in there? He didn’t give you a hard time, did he?” Cindy has been a godsend this week. Things could have been worse if she hadn’t stepped in to defend me. She’s become my haven and the only bright spot in this place. I don’t know what I’ll do when she’s gone. Luckily, I still have plenty of time.
“He was as pleasant as always. The cleaning company had some emergency, so I’m cleaning the buildings over the weekend. I could use the extra cash anyway.” What sucks is that I’m using public transportation between each building. It’s going to be a long weekend.
“That’s unfortunate. I hope it didn’t ruin any big plans you had.” Cindy makes up for Jackson’s rudeness.
My email pings, and I see that the information has arrived. I open the file as I answer. “No, nothing important. I’m here to learn and make money, so it’s fine. But looking at this list, I think it might take all weekend. Do you mind if I cut out now and get a head start?”
“Not at all. I’ll see you Monday, Mia.”
“Thanks. See you next week.” I wave before walking away.
I’m out the door after a quick stop in payroll to ask about weekend hours. Reading the instructions as I go, I’m relieved to see that each location has its own supply closet with supplies. Good thing I didn’t wear a skirt today, so I can hit a few of these on my way home.
It’s a perfect time to call Walker en route to the first stop.
“How was the asshat today?” he answers with no pretenses. Walker has been my outlet all week. I usually have most of it out of my system when Mom comes home, thanks to him.
“Miserable as usual, if not more. You’d think it would be getting better by now, but I swear it seems to be going in the opposite direction, especially after this. He gave me extra work over the weekend, so I won’t be able to go with you guys tonight.” I’m expecting an argument.
“Bullshit. What did he ask you to do, take notes while he jerks off staring at your chest?”
“Ew, gross. He doesn’t stare at my chest.” Not that I’d know because I try not to make eye contact. “He thinks I’m a child, not to mention despises me. Anyway, I’m cleaning some of the buildings they manage. Their cleaning crew couldn’t make it for some reason.”
“So now you’re his personal bitch. It’s getting worse, Mia. And just so you know, he’s male. All males think you’re gorgeous and stare at your chest. It’s the nature of the beast. Also, I hate to break it to you, but your age does not prohibit your boss from having dirty thoughts about you.”
“Gee, thanks for putting that in my head.”
“That’s what friends are for. Now, why are you putting up with this crap? And more importantly, why can’t you come tonight? You have all day tomorrow and Sunday to clean if you insist on doing his dirty work.” Walker wouldn’t know what it’s like to need a job and the money that goes with it because it grows on trees in his family. It’s never been an issue with us, but he doesn’t always get it.
“Walker, I love you, but we’ve talked about this. I need the money, and my mom got me this job. It means a lot to her, and I want to prove I can do it. I won’t let some bosshole scare me away from a good job. He may be the first one I have to deal with,but I’m sure he won’t be the last, so I might as well learn how to handle it now.”
“You’re probably right, but remember, there are other jobs out there. Anyway, what about tonight? Come with us, and I’ll help you for half the day tomorrow—the second half once my hangover goes away.”
“In that case, fine. Pick me up on your way. Also, I’m staying over this weekend. I don’t want my mom to know I’m working.” Thank goodness I have Walker for things like this.
“You got it. I’ll see you tonight.”
Before he can hang up, I shout, “I’m holding you to helping me tomorrow!” It’ll be nice having a ride for part of it. And I miss spending time with my best friend.
I’m glad Walker made me go out with them last night. He was right; I had fun, and it was seriously needed after the week from hell. But I’m currently paying the price. I wish I had the luxury of staying in bed half the day and nursing my hangover like Walker, but duty calls, which means I’m dealing with the headache from hell as I work.
While dusting an area of the lobby in the current building, I hear someone enter, stopping behind me instead of proceeding to the elevator, raising my hackles. Turning around, I see my least favorite person on the planet.
“Did you come to check up on me?” I ask the man responsible for my presence.