Page 5 of Dangerous Pursuit

So, I bring him up to date.

“That’s fucked up. When does she turn eighteen?” Eli might be more of a womanizer than I am if that question is any indication.

“Dude, she’s almost a decade younger. That’s a lifetime at our age. It’s not happening. She’s a baby, for fuck’s sake,” I say.

“Doesn’t sound like a baby if she gets your dick hard, dude. Plus, girls have always matured faster than us, so maybe you two are on the same level,” Braden says, laughing.

Fucking Braden.

“A couple of months,” I say, ignoring him and answering Eli’s question. “It was the first thing I looked at after she left my office. There’s no way I can go two months with that ass parading around my office and not fuck up.”

My beer is already empty. Signaling the server for another, I sigh, exasperated.

“Well, it sounds like you’re gonna have to. Hopefully, you have someone to keep you occupied. If not, it’ll be a long couple of months, buddy.” Braden, ever the realist.

I raise my refilled glass in a toast. “Then here’s to keeping myself sufficiently occupied.”



The rest of the week goes no better. I’m angry and sick of hiding in my office to avoid the brat and bear witness to any more of Cindy’s fawning over the girl. I’ve been as cruel as possible without earning more tongue-lashing from Cindy, who seems to like Mia more than she does me. I can’t blame her with the mood I’ve been in.

However, my tactics aren’t working—I’ve produced no tears and no snarky attitude by the end of the week, thus giving me no reason to write her up. Moreover, she hasn’t quit. She doesn’t even seem bothered by my demeanor and continues to lay on the eager employee act. There’s no way she can be this unaffected; she’s either oblivious to moods around her, or she’s a damn good actress. I’m going with the latter, which means I’m not giving up. I’ll break her down eventually.

In the meantime, I have the weekend to regroup, decompress, and deliberate how to up my game. I’m planning toget my fill in the bedroom over the next couple of days, so maybe I’ll stop fantasizing about taking Mia over my desk every time she walks in.

Speaking of… “Come in,” I say after the second knock on my office door—because why would I make it easy on her? And I know it’s her because Cindy doesn’t knock.

“Did you need anything else handled before the weekend, sir?” I’m sure Cindy put her up to this. She still thinks I’ll come around eventually and be nice to the girl. She couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, an idea just popped into my head.

“I do, but it requires your services over the weekend. Our cleaning company had something come up and can’t make their usual rounds to clean the common areas. I’ll need you to handle that,” I tell her curtly without further instruction. The longer I draw it out, the more reaction I expect to get.

“Do you need me to call and find a replacement company for the weekend?” she asks as she writes on her notepad, trying not to make eye contact.

“No, as in, you need to do it yourself. Your mom is a house cleaner, right? This shouldn’t be much of a stretch for you.” With that comment, I see the slightest tic of her jaw—finally, something.

“You want me to clean over the weekend?” She looks a little taken aback. This is more fun than anticipated.

“I expect you to do your job, and right now, that entails handling a problem by whatever means necessary. Are you unwilling to perform the duties required?” I sit back in my chair and thread my fingers behind my head.

“How many buildings need to be cleaned? Will I be paid overtime?” At least she’s got a head on her shoulders to consider that.

“Does this look like the payroll department? You can direct your questions there. I’ll have maintenance provide you with alist of buildings, locations, and requirements for each one. That’s all.”

She pastes on the biggest smile before saying, “Great, I’ll get it done, sir. See you Monday.”

On her way out the door, I get the last word in. “Enjoy your weekend, Mia.”

She doesn’t turn around, and I’d give anything to see the eye roll I’m sure she did.

When the door closes, I pick up my phone and dial maintenance. “Hey, buddy, it’s Jackson. I need you to do something for me. I’m having Mia, my assistant in training, clean our buildings this weekend to familiarize herself with our properties. Can you print off the cleaning schedule and task list we provide our crew and get it to her? Let the team know they have the weekend off, and I’ll pay as scheduled.”

“Can do. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it. Thanks, boss.”

“You bet. Have a good weekend and say hi to the missus.”

“Will do.”