“Yep, that sums it up. I mean, I was already imagining it was her, so when she appeared, it was like a dream come true—except she wasn’t the one sucking my dick, though she might as well have been with how fast I blew once I saw her.” I’m hard again just thinking about it.
“Dude, that’s some sick shit. As in, I want an assistant like that.” I’m pretty sure Braden’s already had an assistant like that.
“Trust me, you don’t.”Not one you can’t have.
“Besides being the bane of your desire, how is she doing as your assistant these days? You still trying to get her to quit?” Eli chimes in.
“Hell no. I gave up on that weeks ago. Two reasons: A, I swear she’s made of steel—couldn’t crack her for the life of me. B, she’s fucking amazing. It’s no wonder she graduated early. I’ve never seen anyone as capable as her other than Cindy. She’s on top of shit, save for the one damn time she forgot to do something, resulting in this mess.”
“That’s on you, man. Ever heard of a lock? It’s a thing that prevents people from walking in at inappropriate times.” Braden’s on a roll tonight.
“Yeah, yeah. Since when are you a comedian?” I shake my head at him. “Look, I was out of my mind at the time. It was a lapse of judgment, a moment of weakness, and possibly worth it.” I smirk and take a sip of beer.
“Right. That’s obvious by how tormented you are. So, what’s your plan? How are you going to get through five more months lusting after this girl?” Braden asks, in pure lawyer form. It’s a good question but one I have no answer for.
“I don’t fucking know. More daytime visitors?”
“Yeah, because that worked out so well the last time. How long until she’s legal again?” Eli is fixated on her birthday. He should have it memorized by now since he brings it up every time we’re together.
“Too long. Three more weeks, but even then, it’s not happening. She’s almost a decade younger than me, naïve, and starting college in the fall. She’s also my employee—not to mention, thinks I’m an ass.” There are so many reasons it’s a bad idea.
“I didn’t hear any solid argument there. She’s going to have sex with someone regardless of how old she is. She can’t be that naïve if she stayed to watch, and your college excuse is just pitiful. Do you have a policy against interoffice dating?” I shake my head in response, only to have him continue. “Christ, man, you don’t have to marry the girl to quench your thirst.” Braden will find a way around any argument. As an attorney, it happens to be his specialty.
“Don’t bother trying to convince him. He’s into self-torture. I’ve seen it before, right, man?” Eli taps his bottle to mine and takes a drink.
“You’re an asshole. And a hypocrite. You think I don’t know about you and my sister?” He scowls back at me. “Yeah, so fuck off.” I’m pretty sure my parents weren’t the only reason Cici took off.
His jab about my past with Lily, his brother’s fiancée, doesn’t get to me like it once did. She was Cici’s best friend growing up and the only person I’ve ever wanted for more than sex. Too bad I realized itaftershe’d met my competition, who made it clear I was too late the night I walked in on him claiming her innocence.
And that’s where shit got weird. Instead of walking back out, I decided to stay and watch the show. It was too tempting to pass up, so I jerked off while the one girl I wanted a future with gave herself to someone else. Not one of my proudest moments, but it was the hottest. Keyword beingwas—until Monday.
I’m so glad Jackson’s gone for the rest of the day. I can’t concentrate when he’s here, especially since this morning and the obvious flirting going on. I’m in a constant state of arousal after what happened on Monday. It might not affect him since he probably gets more action than a dog in heat. However, I have nothing to replace it with, and it’s killing me.
Which is exactly why I’m excited about my date for tomorrow. Walker’s been helping me sort through prospects, weeding out the bad ones and responding to the guys with potential. This one seems like a nice guy who’s not just out to get laid.
The bottom line is that I need someone other than my boss to make me feel things. I’ve deprived myself a little too long if what I witnessed is having this much effect on me, meaning I can’t stop myself from visualizing it along with my accompanying dirty thoughts. Plenty of guys out there can give me what I need—not that I know what that is yet, other than to get my mind off Jackson for now.
When I leave the office for the day, I’m feeling better. The two hours I spent focused on work instead of the man on the other side of the door were necessary to get ahead on the transactions I’d been helping with. The extra work will allow me to walk away worry-free tomorrow.
I’m relieved to be home, putting another day of tension behind me. I make it two feet in before someone steps out from behind the door, gripping my neck with one hand while covering my mouth with the other. At the same time, another guy appears in front and grabs my arms roughly, securing them to my sides. I kick out and begin twisting furiously, trying to break free, which only results in the hand around my neck tightening.
“This’ll go a hell of a lot easier if you just calm the fuck down,” the guy in front says. He’s slimy looking, with greasy, messed-up hair and what resembles a beard, though it just looks like he’stoo lazy to shave. He has a gold chain around his neck and smells like he smokes a pack a day. I don’t even want to know what the one behind me looks like, but I imagine a version of the same. All I know is he’s way too close, holding me tight to his body. I’m trembling with fear.
“I’ll uncover yer mouth now, darlin’, but if you scream, things’ll get a whole lot worse.” This comes from the guy behind me, who leans in, forcing me to feel his breath on my skin. “Nod if you feel me, sweet cheeks.”
I do as he said, wanting his hand off my mouth. The smell of stale cigarettes from his fingers makes me want to puke.
The hand drops, but his hold around my neck barely loosens, making it hard to breathe. The guy holding my arms relieves no pressure. I’m going to have bruises tomorrow—if I’m still alive.
“What do you want?” I choke out as best I can.
“Why don’t we sit down and have ourselves a little chat? Zip-tie her wrists,” he says to the guy in front. I struggle once more before my neck is squeezed tighter, cutting off my breath and causing me to go slack.
“What I tell ya about calmin’ the fuck down? Don’t make me hurt ya more than I have to. I might enjoy it.” This time, he licks my ear. I almost gag in disgust.
A whimper escapes as the zip tie around my wrists is tightened, cutting into my skin. “That’ll teach ya to put up a fight. Remember that next time we come by.”