Page 14 of Dangerous Pursuit

“Walker, I just stood there, paralyzed. Our eyes were locked when he… when he finished. How gross is that?” Now that mytears are dry, we’re sitting on his bed cross-legged, facing each other.

“That’s not the word I’d use. I’m more along the lines offucking hot. Mia, I think it’s time for you to move past the kissing phase so you have a different perspective. Damn, girl, I’m sorta jealous. People pay for shows like that, and from what you told me, it was a good one.”

“God, you’re such a perv. I mean, yes, it was… hot.” I shiver. “Ugh, even saying that out loud makes me cringe. Maybe now that I’m not studying all the time or playing poker, I do need to get out more.”

High school boys always annoyed me with their constant drama and new girlfriends every week. I’ve only had three boyfriends, if you could even call them that, and all we did was kiss. After that, I usually pulled back from lack of chemistry.

“But even if I wanted to start dating, how do you find people outside of school and work when the only coworker you see is your boss, who’s not an option?” Not that I would ever consider that. I am not lusting over my boss. Nope.

“Let me help you set up a dating profile. That’s what everyone in college does.” He holds his hand out for my phone.

“I am not doing that. I’ve heard of those, and they’re just hook-up sites. I’m not looking for sex. I just want to find one guy to date. Plus, I’m not in college yet.”

“Close enough, and it’s not just for hookups. You won’t find someone if you don’t get out there, Mia. We’ll be specific in your profile on what you’re looking for and what you’re not, and if someone’s interested in more than sex, they’ll reach out. Yeah, you’ll still get some assholes, but you decline them. Come on, what can it hurt?”

He reaches for my phone again, and this time, I give it to him.



My focus has been absolute crap after what happened three days ago. Sure, I was attracted to Mia before, but now that that shit’s gone down, it’s intense. My dick certainly has a new obsession because it springs to attention whenever she’s around. I want this girl like I’ve never wanted anyone. Which means I’ve become even more of an asshole recently out of frustration. What happened hasn’t come up since, nor will it, other than being the only thing on my mind when she walks into the room.

And speaking of… “Come in,” I call out upon hearing her faint knock.

My eyes take her in from my peripheral vision as my head remains turned toward my computer. A dress today. And not a modest calf-length dress. No—that would be too tame. It’s a mid-thigh summer dress with a loose flap to conceal her braless breasts.Fuck me. I shouldn’t be surprised since this has been the norm after our conversation about her clothes. She’s beenrelentless in her attire since. Taunting me with tight-fitting clothes, low-cut necklines, short skirts… and now this.

“Good morning. I have the report you asked for with attrition rates for each property, along with a summary of each building’s condition and other factors that may affect the numbers. I took the liberty to include information regarding the nearest transportation stops and walkability to local services and parks.” She sets the file on my desk and waits for my reply.

Screwing with her has become habit, so instead of responding, I stay silent and slowly pick up the file to review the documents. I’m impressed. She not only provided the data I asked for but went above and beyond with additional considerations.

“I know you didn’t ask for all that, but I assumed with the reorganization you’re doing, you were looking for which buildings might be worth turning over, and I figured it would help to be aware of what may be affecting their performance, especially as you find new properties.” She’s composed and confident in her speech. The only sign of trepidation is her slight blush, which I see when I finally raise my head.

And if I weren’t already hard for the girl, witnessing her competence and sharp mind, not to mention that blush, I’d be right there. As it is, I’m busting at the seams. She’s gorgeous and brilliant, and fuck… if I don’t snap out of this stupor, I might as well get down on my knees and bow.

“I realize we’ve had this discussion before, but you are aware this is a professional office, not the beach?” Time to get my head on straight with the only way I know how—rudeness.

She looks down only to look me in the eye a second later. “I’m sorry, I assumed a dress was appropriate office attire. Personally, I usually wear a swimsuit when I go to the beach, and I wouldn’t dream of wearing that to the office—unless you’d like to do swimsuit Fridays?” She smiles, baiting me.

This is the most she’s said since our encounter earlier this week. Maybe it’s time to shake things up a little and see if I can get to her the way she does me.

“The problem with that idea, Mia, is that there’s a good chance you’d be naked on my desk by the end of the day, and then I’d have to write you up for violating the dress code. As for thedress…” My eyes travel down her body. “You’re treading in dangerous water, little girl, and in three weeks, you may not have anyone to save you.” The clench of her thighs and the heat in her stare are apparent.

“In three weeks, I might not want to be saved.” Bold.

She turns without another word and starts toward the door.


She stops and looks over her shoulder.

I lift the file. “You did well on this. I appreciate the extra information you gathered. You’re right that it’ll be useful. Thank you.”

The shock in her eyes says everything before she continues out the door.

By three o’clock in the afternoon, I call the guys to meet me for an early happy hour after a long day of pent-up frustration. I just need to get out of my head and away from the girl on the other side of the door.

“So, let me get this straight. You have a bombshell on her knees in front of you, and your assistant is the one you get off to?” Braden asks.