They would have fallen in love, like most beings did.
“Now, Mina…” Mother cleared her throat. “There are some things I need to prepare you for…things that will happen tonight.” She dipped her gaze, no longer meeting my eyes. “First, your mate will drink from you, and you from him. This must happen before the blood moon goes down, bonding you together.”
I nodded, even though I knew this from the book I’d sneaked from our library.
Unlike some much older vampires, my parents weren’t emotionless. They were in love. Something I’d desperately wanted for myself but knew now would never happen for me.
Mother’s cheeks were flushed when she looked back up at me. “I know you’ve never fed from the vein before, but you must not be afraid. You are a vampire. It’s how it’s supposed to be. It is…” She cleared her throat. “It’s natural, and very enjoyable. But your mate will guide you. He’ll explain how it should be done.”
“Then what happens after that, after the feeding?” I asked. I knew there was more to becoming mates, I just had no idea what that more was. I’d already been cosseted, like a lot of female vampires were. My knowledge had been restricted, but the last four years it had been so much worse. No friends, no outside influences that could corrupt me. I had to be innocent in all ways for my powerful mate.
She chewed her lip, a strange expression on her face as she dragged the brush through my blond hair. “You will be bound together…but there is one more step, to um…make you mates in truth.”
I turned to her. “What step?”
“Males and females are made…very differently. We are designed to…to fit together.”
I frowned. “Together?”
“Oh dear,” she whispered, looking flustered.
“Mother? What am I supposed to do?”
She wrung her hands. “You will lie on his bed…without, uh…underwear.”
I froze, heat washing through me with force. We were forbidden to touch ourselves there, not in a way that didn’t involve the use of the bathroom or personal hygiene. I had, however, explored that part of myself more than I should have. How could I not when it had ached so badly, making me squirm and slick. Something had happened when that male had visited me, something dark and terrifying, something that created a longing inside me that I didn’t know how to fulfill.
“Your mate will lie on top—”
There was a knock at the door.
“Come in,” Mother called quickly, visibly sagging.
“On top of what—”
My father walked in, cutting me off, his lips curling in a gentle smile. “You look lovely, Mina.”
“Thank you, Father.” I wanted my mother to finish what she was going to say. I wanted to know what was going to happen.
He held out his hands. “It’s time.”
Oh gods.
“You’ll be fine,” Mother said, holding my gaze. “Everything will be fine.”
I curled my hand around my father’s arm, and we made our way out of the room and down the staircase.
Four other females and their fathers joined us at the bottom, and the nervous energy was so thick around us, I was having trouble catching my breath.
Lining up in front of a set of grand double doors, we stood there like lambs going to slaughter. One of the girls took an abrupt step back before quickly composing herself when her father muttered something in her ear.
Then two young males stepped forward, and I held my breath as they pushed the double doors wide.
All chatter from beyond the doors stopped, the room went silent, and all eyes turned our way.
One of the males stepped forward and, first clearing his throat, began to introduce us to the gathered crowd, telling them who our families were, reintroducing us to society since we’d been ensconced in our homes, hidden away, for the last five years.
“Miss Mina Angelos. Daughter of Nicholas and Serra Angelos.” My name was the fourth called, and I straightened my spine, stepping forward with my father, and hoped no one saw how badly I was shaking.