My parents inclined their heads, and electricity seemed to crack through the room as anticipation grew. As much as I wanted to look around to see who was there, I did as I was told and kept my gaze trained ahead. The last female’s name was announced, and she lined up beside me.
“Now, please welcome our honored guests. Warriors all, and protectors of our race,” the male by the door announced. “Stefan Valiente, Rainer Beiste, August Drapala, Nero Kossek…”
The crowd of vampires stepped back quickly as, one by one, the warriors strode into the room.
Four males walked in. My monster walking in last. His gaze was deep violet, blazing as it locked on me. He was a predator. I already knew that. But he wasn’t even trying to pretend to be civilized on this sacred night.
Nero Kossek. I finally knew his name.
The massive vampires stood opposite us. They were the only ones who were supposed to know which of us would be their bride. But unlike the females beside me, I knew. I knew exactly who would be taking me home with him tonight.
Confusion rumbled through the room, and I realized we were still missing one warrior.
One of the males broke away from the group, and I watched as he walked up to his bride, taking her by the hand and leading her away from the lineup. Anticipation throbbed through me so hard I felt dizzy.
The next two warriors came forward, claiming their females. Then it was my turn.
Nero closed in, his measured steps eating up the space between us. I wanted to step back, to run, but I held my ground and lifted my chin.
“Mina,” he said softly for my ears only, the velvet of his voice lifting goose bumps all over me. “We meet again, finally.”
It had been a full year. He hadn’t come on my twenty-first birthday, apparently, he could wait the week between then and now to torment me. I stood stiffly, looking up at him, and when he reached for my hand, I jerked it back before I knew I was going to do it.
His expression didn’t change. It remained frozen, like I suspected his heart was. Then slowly, unnaturally, he lifted his hand and placed it on my shoulder. I tried not to, but I jolted from the contact, my breath sticking in my throat as he slid it down my arm and wrapped his cold hand around mine.
My breath shuddered as he led me to the side with the others.
That’s when I realized the room had gone silent. There was one female standing there all on her own. The fifth male had not arrived.
Her head was down, humiliation burning her cheeks. I felt sick for her. Oh gods, I wanted to go to her.
I took a stilted step forward—
The sound of boots on the marble floor echoed through the silent room.
“The final member of The Five, their esteemed commander, Constantine Caputo.”
A gasp was the only sound that followed that pronouncement.
A huge male closed in, his head dipping as he spoke to the lone female. There was a commotion from the female’s parents.
I couldn’t hear what was being said, but the uproar ended as fast as it began.
A moment later music began, and Nero led me to the dance floor inside a huge glass-walled sunroom off the main one. The other couples joined us. We were to have one dance, an attempt to make all of this civilized, I guessed, and not like a group of females being handed over to not just strangers but bloodthirsty warriors who were taking us away from everything we knew.
Nero held me to him, his icy stare demanding my attention. He towered over me as power and strength rolled off him. He was a monster in a really bad disguise.
I suspected the other females on this dance floor had dreamed of this day, had built it up to something wonderfully magical. They’d had five years to fantasize about their escape from the confinement of their homes, romanticizing what their mate would be like. I’d had five years of dread.
Whatever lay ahead for me, my only consolation was I would no longer be a prisoner in my own home. I could live my life. Yes, I would belong to this terrifying male, but there was no longer any need to keep me hidden away. I could endure whatever came next as long as I was finally allowed some freedom.
He dipped his head. “Your fear, I can feel it, smell it.”
“And you like that, don’t you?” I said, even though I knew I shouldn’t. I’d never been good at holding my temper, but what did he expect? This male had repeatedly hurt me.
“Oh yes. It’s intoxicating,” Nero said, low, with no inflection in his voice. “I can’t wait to taste it.”
A shudder moved through me. There was no kindness buried deep in his heart, no hidden depths reserved for only me. No, this male didn’t have a heart. I couldn’t count on a conscience to guide him. I was about to become the mate of, be at the mercy of a male who felt absolutely nothing. Who felt no pain, who didn’t understand empathy, and who held no warmth in his soul.