Page 77 of Dragon in Boots

They both watched as the blue dragon grabbed a red egg from inside the busted-open crate and gulped it down.

“What do I do?” she asked. “He’s eating all the eggs.”

Hell if he knew. “Close the door?”

“No. You said Cimil needs those to make bodies.” She began waving her arms at the dragon. “You. Out of here! Shoo. Go! Bad dragon!” Jac rushed at the thing, and it took flight, rushing past her.

They both watched it soar into the rafters and perch over the machines.

“Do you think he got them all?” she asked.

“I really don’t know.” Damien didn’t see any unopened crates.

“What am I going to do?” Jac said. “Cimil won’t be happy.”

Damien was about to tell her that this entire thing smelled of another Cimil scheme. The deranged goddess would probably put on a big show, claiming that Jac’s baby had derailed Cimil’s huge plans. Then she’d offer Jac some sort of deal in exchange for one of these bodies.

“We should go,” he said.

“I can’t leave that dragon free. He’ll go outside and start hunting children. Dash told me that’s all they eat until they’re big enough to go for grownups.”

How the hell was this his problem?

Suddenly, the tiny thing headed for the exit. He rammed right into the door and bounced onto the floor.

“It’s trying to get out,” Jac said as the dragon took another pass and failed. It was too light to push the door open.

“Ha. You’re not going anywhere, you baby-snacking shit!” Jac said.

The tiny dragon gave her a look and opened its mouth, expelling a huge fireball across the warehouse in their direction.

Jac and Damien jumped out of the way, barely escaping the impact.

Damien hit the concrete floor with athud!

Dammit, now my suit’s dirty.“What a little asshole,” Damien said.

“Just like his father.”

Jac hopped to her feet quickly and then froze, her eyes locked across the room.

“Is it preparing to fire again?” Damien asked, sitting on the floor and dusting off his sleeve. “Your kid needs a spanking.”

“No!” Jac held out her hands, talking to the dragon. “Don’t you do it.”

Now what?Damien got to his feet just in time to witness the dragon spitting fireballs at the machines. Whatever they were made of caught fire quickly.

“No! Stop!” she yelled. “Stop!”

But the tiny thing kept going, seemingly delighted by its ability to project flames from its mouth.

One by one, the machines were being engulfed in flames.

“We must go, Jac,” he said.

She looked up at the ceiling. “No sprinkler system?” She huffed. “We have to stop him.”

“With what?” he asked.