Jac nodded. “I know it sounds crazy, but when I realized Dash was gone, something inside me just…broke.” She sighed. “I can’t explain it, but I think I was always drawn to him, not Heebie or his mating call.”
It was possible the two were soul mates. “I have heard of stranger things. I only caution you that once your life entwines with Cimil’s, the crazy train won’t stop.” He paused in front of the entrance. “You can still walk away.”
“It’s too late for that. She’s the reason I got that bartending job and met Dash and Heebie.”
“Whatever happened to the dragon?” Damien asked.
“I killed him last night. Death by snake.”
Interesting.“Sounds painful.”
“Yes,” she said happily. “And he deserved it. He threatened my animals, my family, and he killed Dash.”
“Point for the good guys, then.” He tried the door, but it was locked, so he knocked.
After a long moment, no one came to the door.
“I don’t think anyone’s here. We should go,” he said.
“No,” Jac argued. “We can’t leave until we know for sure. Maybe Cimil’s inside working and can’t hear us.”
“Arrgh. Fine.” Damien went to his car, grabbed his lockpick set from the trunk, and went to work. He inserted the pick and then the tension tool until he heard aclick.“Success!” He loved that sound. “Are you ready?”
Jac nodded, so he pulled the door open. She marched in first, and he hesitantly followed, knowing there could be anything inside—cages filled with clowns, Cimil’s legendary hoard of ThighMasters, or an ocean of bouncy houses. Nothing was off the table when it came to her.
They entered the warehouse, stopping to take in the cavernous space. The warehouse had fifty-foot ceilings and canned lights that ran along the rafters. Hundreds of capsules, which resembled tanning beds, were lined up in neat rows.
“This is bad.” Without counting, there had to be three hundred or more machines.
“Are those how she makes the bodies?” Jac asked.
“Those and a lot of dragon yolk and semen.” Damien had actually seen these machines before when Cimil promised to change his life and free him from his demon.
What he had not known at the time was that Cimil had been hell-bent on bringing the demons and their chaos back to earth so the gods would be forced out of retirement. She believed his rage demon knew how to reopen the portals, and in exchange for the demon’s help, she promised him his own body. The plan didn’t work out, of course, and his demon was ultimately squished by Maxton. A long story.
Damien walked through the center of the room, noting the whirring sounds coming from the machines.Guess this is plan B.New gods, an army of whatever was inside these pods, and a total Cimil takeover. What wasn’t to hate about this plan?
“This is a lot of bodies,” Jac said. “I wonder which one will be Dash’s.”
“Don’t get your hopes up,” he said. “I am sure Cimil has plans for these and won’t part so easily with them.”
A loud clank in the back of the warehouse caught their attention.
Quietly they approached a metal door that led to what was probably a walk-in freezer.
“Someone’s inside,” Jac whispered.
Only one way to know for certain. Damien opened the door, and a gust of cold air hit his face.
“What’s that?” Jac gasped, pointing inside.
Perched on the edge of an open crate was a small blue dragon, about the size of a turkey, with a red tuft of hair sticking from the top of its little scaly head. The rest of the crates had been tipped over and broken into. Along the walls were dozens of steel drums with labels that readsuper jizz.
Damien arched a brow. “That is a lot of cum.”
She pointed in horror at the dragon again. “Is that thing mine?”
It was an ugly little monster and looked nothing like her, but there was no denying the red hair. “Congratulations, you’re a mother,” Damien said.