Page 69 of Dragon in Boots

“Excellent point,” Maxton. “No one looks at them regardless. Not a very sexy car.”

Damien glanced at Maxton, his bro-affection growing. “You are so right.”

“So the plan is to enter, rescue, and run. But you mentioned something about killing anyone who got in our way.” Bonbon licked his chops.

“I don’t think we have five hours for you to drain someone via petting your furry ass, Bonbon. But by all means, if we rescue Sky’s sister and nephew without a hitch, and you wish to stay behind, be my guest.”

“Sweet.” Bonbon bobbed his white head.

“MF and Maxton?” Damien said. “If this goes sideways, kill everything in sight, except for Sky’s family, of course. Parrot, you help. Everyone ready?” Damien’s body ignited with adrenaline. This was the first time in his existence that he would be part of an attack that did not involve the rage demon. Frankly, it felt good—less dirty, somehow.

“Then it’s time,” Damien said. “Parrot, check out the warehouse. Be back in five minutes.”

Hooves of hell galloped across the concrete, and everyone held their breath. Two minutes passed. Then three, four, five and six.

As ten minutes hit, Damien looked at his watch. “Something is not right.”

“Well, I’m not going in there,” MF said.

“She is correct,” said Maxton. “If my hellhound is in trouble, then there are forces inside we cannot match.”

Damien growled. “So it’s up to me, then?”

Everyone nodded.

“I cannot believe you all think we are family.” Damien stormed off toward the warehouse.

Twenty feet from the entrance, his cell vibrated. “Christ,” he muttered to himself and answered. “This’d better be good.”

“Damien?” a soft voice came over the phone. “It’s me, Jac.”

“Jac, I’m in the middle of—”

“Heebie killed him,” she sobbed. “He ate Dash, and now he’s trapped between worlds forever. I tried to save him. I did. But I failed.”

“Are you crying because you want my help and I told you crying is effective? Because it won’t work on me. I mean, not tonight. Tomorrow, maybe.”

“No,” she bawled. “He’s dead, and I know it sounds cray, but there was something real between us. Oh…God…” She sobbed uncontrollably.

Changed my mind. The crying is working.“Jac, I’m about to enter a very dangerous place. May I call you back?”

“I need a body for him, Damien. A body. Just like you were going to get for Sky. I’ll do whatever it takes. Please. We deserve a chance to find out if we’re meant to be together.”

Damien sighed. “I must hang up now.”

“Okay.” She sniffled. “Call me back when you’re done.” The call ended.

He took two steps, and his cell vibrated again.

Sonofa—“I said I would call you back.”

“Tailor, what is going on?” said a deep voice.


“Gabrán is up on the ridge, telling me you’re about to breach the warehouse where Cimil is hiding.”

And this night just got better.“We, uh, came early to get the lay of the land.”