She stood up straight, slammed the door shut, and then pulled the cord she’d left dangling there.
A moment passed and then…
“Gah! A snake! You think this is funny? I will kill you!” Heebie yelled from inside the building.
She stood with her eyes wide, staring at the door as Heebie smashed into it. In his human form, he wouldn’t be able to break through, but in his dragon form?
No, no, no. Please don’t come out. Please…She had no doubt he’d kill her and every creature at the sanctuary. Then he’d go after her family.
Everything inside went silent. Her stomach locked down, and her heart raced with fear.Die, dragon, die.
A loud crash exploded in the air. What was happening? She crouched, shielding her head with her arms.
She looked up to witness the roof crumbling away, falling to the sides of the building. Slowly, the head of an enormous dark dragon emerged. It had large soulless eyes, leathery spikes on top of its head, and the biggest teeth she’d ever seen. A ball of orange glowed in its mouth as he opened up, preparing to unleash a fireball at her.
Jac’s heart filled with remorse for acting out in anger just now. She hadnotkept her cool like that time with the black mamba. She should’ve regrouped and come up with a new plan, but no. And now everything she loved would pay the price.
“Heebie?” she yelled. “I’m sorry, okay? I’ll do whatever you want. Please don’t hurt my family. Don’t hurt my animals. They’ve done nothing to you.” She watched in horror as two enormous wings stretched up and over the walls of the building. Heebie was huge, with a hundred-foot wingspan. She’d never seen anything so terrifying. And this, coming from a woman who once nursed a bird-eating tarantula back to health.
Her eyes attempted to take in the ancient, smelly monster, but it was just too surreal. This thing didn’t belong in her world.Where’s Henry Cavill in leather pants when you need him?
Heebie growled, his mouth growing brighter. In the background, she heard her animals panicking, trying to escape their enclosures and flee. They knew what was about to happen. They knew they were all doomed.
“Fine,” she said. “Then kill me. The funny part is that I’m a woman who loves the unlovable—from the meanest, deadliest, and stinkiest.” She threw her arms to the side. “I love all of Gods’ creatures. Except one!” She laughed. “Isn’t that hilarious, Heebie? Not even I could ever love you! You’re destined to live alone forever, unwanted, with no purpose.”
The dragon’s eyes narrowed into tight slits. Apparently, he couldn’t speak with his mouth, but he didn’t need to. He’d heard her words, and the fury on his face said it all.
“Dash was right! You should’ve gone extinct with the dinosaurs!”
Deadly hate filled his wicked eyes as flames filled his mouth. She closed her eyes, knowing she couldn’t outrun him, hide, or avoid what would happen next.
Suddenly a loud crash erupted, and Heebie came falling toward her.
“Oh shit!” She dove to the side, barely escaping the crushing weight of his enormous head.
Her mind twirled with confusion. Had Heebie fallen? Was this a trick?
Preparing to run, she looked over her shoulder. Heebie’s eyes were glossed over, his mouth hung open, and his chest wasn’t moving.
Ohmygod. I did it! I did it!“Ha! Take that, scale head! My snakes don’t fuck around!” She jumped up and down and then kicked his chin. “That’s for Dash!” She kicked him again. “That’s for his sister and for everyone you’ve hurt! Suck it, dragon!”
A sense of pride filled her chest. She’d stopped a real monster! And not just any old one. It washermonster!
Something slithered across her foot, and she jumped. Her eyes darted to the spot where Heebie had fallen and breached the building’s wall. The snakes were getting out.
“Worth it.”
“I want Parrot in first,” Damien said, dressed in all black. Yes, yes. An Armani suit, but his other clandestine outfits were at the cleaner’s. “Once he’s counted the number of soldiers inside and marked their positions, we’ll divide up accordingly and enter in two groups. One to distract, the other to pull Amelia and Miguel out. We will regroup on the other side of the docks at our cars.”
“Don’t you think the red convertibles are a little attention grabbing?” Maxton asked, adjusting his navy blue ascot.
“That’s the point. Bonbon and Gorgonzolina can drive them away if there’s an issue. The rest of us can escape in an Uber.”
“Uber?” MF scoffed.
“No one uses Uber for a hostage rescue. Trust me, they won’t be looking for a Prius or Honda.”