Page 55 of Netting the Goalie

Sophie looked between Faith and I, shaking her head.“Wow, you two are enough to make me swear off relationships forever.And I get it.I mean, I get Faith’s reason.I totally think you should castrate that bastard if you ever see the prick again,” Faith’s statement was all the more shocking for the smile she had while speaking, “but Bliss…damn, what made you so cynical?”

Resting my hand on my cheek, I grimaced at Sophie.“I may have dated a guy who might have turned into an emotionally abusive asshole.”

At Sophie’s gasp, I held up my hand.“In all fairness, he didn’t start out that way.He had everyone fooled.Except my brother.Mike figured him out right away.It took me a little longer to realize but when I did, I got out.”

And I hadn’t had a serious relationship since.But that didn’t mean I wasn’t right about ending my relationship with Shane.It wasn’t because I was scared.It was because it was the right thing to do.


I wanted to tell that sarcastic little voice in my brain to go fuck itself but that might prove I really was wrong in the head.

And wrong about giving up Shane.


“Well, I haven’t met the guy, so I don’t have a clue what he’s like.”Sophie acknowledged the group who pushed through the front door with a wave.“But Bliss, the way you talk about the guy…maybe you need to think this through a little more.”

Sophie moved to seat the new party, leaving Faith and I alone.

“And what do you think?”

“I think all men are pricks who will cut your heart out.”Faith shrugged.“But that’s just me.”

After a few seconds, I nodded.“No, I’m right about this.Better to break it off now before it goes any farther.”

And hope I didn’t regret the hell out of my decision later.



“Hi Shane,sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner.I’ve had a million things to do.”

And apparently I wasn’t one of them.

I nodded though I knew she couldn’t see me.I also knew something was up.

I’d gotten a bad feeling in my gut two nights when she hadn’t called back after the game.Yeah, she’d texted but I’d wanted to hear her voice.

And then yesterday, she’d blown me off again with a text.

Now she’d finally called and I realized I didn’t actually want to talk to her.Because I knew what she was doing.

I just didn’t know why.I had a few ideas but…

Damn it.My jaw clenched.

“I thought maybe we could get some dinner after the game tonight.”

Silence.Then, “I don’t think I can make the game tonight.”

Goddammit.Was she really going to do this now?

I sucked in a breath.“Something wrong?”

Another pause.“No, nothing’s wrong.I just…I can’t make it tonight.Aunt Rosie and I are getting ready for a bridal show on Sunday and there’s so much we need to do before then.And the shop’s open tomorrow and of course we’ve got three fittings and a consultation with a new client.And Sunday’s going to be crazy.One of the models backed out and if we can’t find anyone, I’ll have to step in which means altering the dress and… well, it’s just crazy right now.I’m sure you understand.I mean, you’ve only got two weeks left before the playoffs and I know you’re going to clinch a spot so you’re going to be busy too and…”

She finally stopped to take a breath but I felt like I couldn’t catch mine.