Page 54 of Netting the Goalie

I had missed Shane’s call.I’d been with a customer and hadn’t been able to get to my phone.That customer had been there until fifteen minutes after closing and I had been late for my dinner date.

Which didn’t explain why I hadn’t texted him back last night.Oh, I’d congratulated him after the game.I’d called and left him a message right after the game.When I knew he’d still be in the locker room and unable to answer his phone.


But I hadn’t responded to the call he’d left around ten-thirty last night.I could easily explain.I’d been in bed early.And I had been.And if I’d also maybe been trying not to cry, well, no one needed to know that.

Tonight, I had the perfect excuse.I was “out with friends” and if he was smart, he wouldn’t interrupt.That was part of the guy handbook, wasn’t it?Rule No.1: Don’t interrupt a girl when she’s out with friends.

“Whoa.I know why I get blamed for resting bitch face, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen that look on your face.”

Faith lifted an eyebrow at me across the table at the Greek tavern down the street from the bridal salon.

I sighed and took a sip of my wine.“I know.But can we wait for Sophie so I don’t have to repeat myself?She and her dad should be done arguing in a minute.”

I had helped Sophie Tsoukalos, the tavern owner’s daughter, find a dress for the tavern’s grand opening a few months ago and, since then, I stopped in for a glass of wine whenever I could to talk to Sophie.The other girl’s sunny personality drew people to her like bears to honey.

The only person she ever fought with was her dad, Spiro.They were arguing in the kitchen in Greek, which they did at least twice a day.That might’ve been an exaggeration but I didn’t think it was.And when it blew over, as it did in a matter of minutes, life went back to normal.

I could never live like that.Sophie seemed to thrive on it.

“That bad, huh?”

I winced, knowing my problems were nothing compared to Faith’s, who’d made it perfectly clear if she caught even a whiff of pity from me, she was leaving.

So I sighed again.“It’s just—”

“I swear that man is going to have a coronary and my sisters will all blame me.”Sophie pushed through the swinging door from the kitchen then hurried over to lean on the bar in front of Faith and I.Her long, dark hair fell over one shoulder, dark eyes wide and inquisitive.“Now, what’s going on.I can tell you’re not happy.What’d the man do?”

My nose wrinkled.“How do you know it’s a man?”

Sophie rolled her eyes.“Oh please.That’s definitely not your ‘Had to deal with Bridezilla’ face.That’s definitely a ‘Man did me wrong’ face.Spill it.”

My expression crumbled.“Honestly?I think I’m the one that did him wrong.I need to break it off with Shane and I don’t know how.”

Sophie and Faith went totally silent, their expressions shocked.

“What?Why are you both looking at me like that.”

The other women exchanged a glance then Sophie reached across the bar and patted me on the hand.

“What did he do?He must’ve done something if you want to break it off.I mean…seriously, I thought you liked him.I mean, really liked him.Why would you want to break it off?”

“Because the season’s going to end and he’s going to leave.Maybe he’ll be back next year.Maybe he won’t.And I just can’t follow him around like a groupie.I mean, I’ve got a job and an apartment and what would happen with Mike if I moved away?My life is here.”

I looked up to find my friends staring at me with raised eyebrows.

So I pushed on.“And it’s not like he asked me to give up everything and follow him all the hell over the place.I mean, he’s probably just in it for the sex and when the season’s over he’ll dump me anyway.So if I dump him now, I’m saving him the hassle.”

Sophie and Faith exchanged another glance before Faith said, “Sounds like you’ve given this a lot of thought.”

Shrugging, I avoided their gaze by taking another sip…okay, a gulp of wine.“Maybe.Maybe more than I should have.”

Sophie reached beneath the bar for the wine and topped off my glass.“I didn’t realize you’d gotten that serious.”

I frowned.“We’re not.I mean… I don’t… Oh hell.”I closed my eyes and dropped my head.“I don’t have a clue.I just know it’s better to end it now before either of us gets too involved.”

Faith huffed, wry amusement in her expression.“Yeah.Beforeyou get too involved.I think you’re past that point, hon.But you’re probably not wrong.If you know you’re going to end it, better to do it before you really get hurt.”