I knew I was no great beauty but I certainly didn’t look like an ogre.Sure, my nose was a little too big and my body a little too curvy.But I still managed to attract guys who liked big tits and a decent ass.I knew that because most guys I talked to couldn’t stop checking out either one long enough to hold a rational conversation.
Then again, I hadn’t exactly allowed any guys close enough to get to know me better.A vicious cycle, one I didn’t know how to break.
So, here I sat.Smiling and nodding through a conversation with two women I barely knew.
This had been a mistake.I should just take my pitiful self home and—
The front door opened, catching my attention simply because it was directly in my line of sight.
But thenhewalked through.
And I actually felt my mouth drop open.Like, literally, my jaw dropped.Then my lips parted and I sucked in a sharp breath that I immediately tried to cover with a slight cough.
I assured my new friends, who interrupted their conversation about guest lists to make sure I wasn’t choking, that I was fine and managed to come up with a question to get them back on their conversational track.
So I could go back to checking out the newcomer.
The reallybignewcomer.
And I didn’t mean fat.I meantbuilt.Big as in broad.Wide.He looked like a—
Hockey player.
Like Lori’s husband, Cary, who greeted the newcomer with a big smile and a firm handshake as he pulled him farther into the house.
Cary led the new guy right into the great room, where I sat against the far wall, and walked him straight to the bar.
I tried not to stare.Really, I did.But how could Inotwhen this guy ticked off every box on my Yummy Meter, including a few I hadn’t known I had.
Like his dark, wavy hair.Everyone in my huge Italian family had dark hair so every boyfriend I’d ever had had been blond, pretty and clean cut, like he’d just walked off a magazine shoot.
Like my ex-fiancé, the prick.
Nope, not thinking about him.
This guy looked like he hadn’t cut his hair in months or seen a razor in days, if the dark stubble on his strong, square jaw was anything to go by.He looked scruffy but not like he was trying to be trendy.
Now, the bright blue eyes… Yeah, I absolutely had a thing for those.And his were a perfect ocean blue I could see from across the room.Combined with that nose that looked as if it’d been broken a few times…
Damn.My mouth watered.
And when my gaze slipped south… Hell, I was pretty sure my thighs just clenched.
The guy had to be at least a five inches over six feet, which means he’d tower over me.And his clothes couldn’t hide the fact that he had muscles in places all men should have muscles.Like in their thighs.And their abs.And their arms—
When he took off his coat to let Cary hang it in the closet, I had to swallow because… Oh my god.The man’s arms bulged beneath his blue dress shirt.
With black dress pants and that blue shirt, he looked good enough to eat.
And wouldn’t you love to get your mouth on him?
Yes, please.Anywhere he had skin.
And when he turned to walk with Cary to the makeshift bar on the other side of the room, I thought I might have actually squeaked at the wonder of his ass.
Ho-lee shit.
“Bliss, are you okay?”