Blinking, I turned my attention back to the two women, now staring at me with identical expressions of knowing amusement.
Damn.Had I been that obvious?
I forced a smile.“Yes, I’m fine.Sorry, I, uh…”
“Got a glimpse of Shane Conrad.”The bride-to-be, whose name was Crista, smiled with commiseration.“He certainly is nice-looking.Kind of shy, though.Lori’s tried to set him up with a few girls before but nothing’s stuck.He’s apparently a really nice guy but doesn’t talk much.Or he doesn’t like girls.”Crista shrugged.“No one’s been able to figure out which yet.Would you like to meet him?I’m sure Lori would be thrilled to introduce you.He’s kind of become her pet project.”
Is that why Lori had invited me tonight?To introduce me to Shane?Not that that would be a bad thing but…
But what?
“I think I need a drink.Anyone need another?”
Both Crista and her friend shook their heads, their grins widening.
I didn’t care.For the first time in months, I wanted to jump a guy’s bones.I’d be damned if I didn’t follow up on it.
And maybe later, I’d get to strip off his pants and shirt and rub against his naked body like a cat in heat.
Just as long as I didn’t stick my foot in my mouth first.
Why the hellare you here?You’re a goddamn glutton for punishment.
I knew my strengths and my weaknesses.I could be the life of the party but only if I felt comfortable with the audience.
I didn’t know a single person here, except Cary and Lori, and I had the almost overwhelming urge to slink back to the door and make my getaway.
Dork.Get a grip.
I glanced around for Cary but the guy had disappeared not long after introducing me to Damien and Lynton.I’d make him pay for that.Somehow.
“…must be amazing to get paid to be an athlete.You have like…what?Two games a week?Better than working in an office ten hours a day, six days a week.”
I nodded and agreed, letting the guys continue to tell me how amazing my life must be.
Of course, they didn’t have a fucking clue what they were talking about.
If they did, they wouldn’t be giving me those sly smiles when they talked about all the “fun” I must have on the road.
Oh, yeah, I was just swimming in pussy all the fucking time.Between daily practice and three or four games a week and travel and—
Yeah, I loved playing hockey.Couldn’t think of anything I’d rather do.But like everything else, it had a downside.
Playing in the AHL meant I didn’t move around as much as when I’d been in the ECHL but it wasn’t the easiest way to make a living.
Hockey was tough on the body.Plus, I had a shelf-life.Goalies, especially had knee problems.I might last until thirty-three.If I was lucky, my knees would hold out until I was forty.But eventually I’d have to leave the ice and find something else to do to make money.Especially if I continued playing the way I was and never made it to the NHL.
Damn, what I wouldn’t give to be home binge-watching “Daredevil” and drinking beer.
“So I told him I could work that weekend just so I wouldn’t have to be home when her parents showed up.I know I was being kind of a dick but if I had to listen her dad…”
I nodded like I knew what Lynton—what the fuck kind of name was Lynton anway?—was talking about but I really had no clue.I hadn’t been in a serious relationship…well, ever.
I’d had no time and no opportunity.