Page 62 of Netting the Goalie

His hair was still wet and he’d brushed it back from his face, which still bore the marks from his mask.

I had the opposing urges to run in the other direction and brush my fingers across those marks.

God, I’d been so stupid.I’d fallen for him.Hard.And I had no one to blame but myself.

As he came closer, I found myself sucking in a breath and holding it.

Which was so stupid because he barely nodded at me.He did stop to say hi to Mike and shake his hand but he left seconds later.

My heart felt like he’d taken a knife and sliced right through it.

Still think giving him up was a good idea?

Absolutely.Because if it hurt this much after only a couple of months of dating, just think how much worse it would be after five or six months?Or a year?


I turned to watch him leave.Couldn’t help myself.Just like I’d been unable to take my eyes off him throughout the entire game.

Why are you torturing yourself?

Because I was an idiot.But that didn’t mean I wasn’t right.


“Jesus,Shane, you’re on fire.Dude, I don’t know what the fuck you took but whatever it is, I want some.”

I gave Nicky Thompson an acknowledging grin over my shoulder.The rookie forward from Ottawa had been a great addition to the team mid-season.The kid wouldn’t turn twenty-one for another six months but he played like a ten-year pro.

“That’s what happens when you don’t have a life.”Lad was already on his way to the showers after their final game of the season.“The Brick Wall eats, sleeps and breathes hockey, son.Take notes.”

I had a response on the tip of my tongue, one that would’ve made everyone laugh.But I just couldn’t come up with the energy to care.

So I acknowledged the catcalls from the rest of the guys with a wave but stayed silent as I stripped off my gear.

The noise of the locker room faded in and out as the guys moved from here to the showers and back.Coach had already told me the local reporter and the AP stringer wanted to talk to me so I hustled.I knew the writers would wait however long it took but I hated to keep them waiting.They had deadlines and I…would go home to a lonely bed and try to sleep without dreaming about Bliss.


When I got out of the shower, only a few guys remained, including Jake.

“You should probably not go into the green room looking like you just ate puppies and kittens for dinner.You’ll scare the pretty blonde with the tape recorder.New AP stringer.Much better looking than the old dude they used to send.”

Jake was already dressed as I hung the last of my equipment and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I spared him a glance, noting the bag he held in his hands.“You going out?”

“Yes.Mike and I are going to get some dinner and then I will meet the guys at that bar in West Reading.The one that’s always empty.I can never remember its name.”

Jake couldn’t remember its name because it had some weird Native American spelling that no one but people from the area could pronounce properly.

“You want to meet us there?”Jake asked.

I automatically shook my head.“I’m tired.Need to get some sleep.”

Jake didn’t move but he didn’t say anything either.Most of the other guys had already left.

“What?”I shot Jake a glance, frowning.“What’s wrong?”