“You are.”Jake crossed his arms over his chest, looking like he was digging in for a fight.“You need to snap out of this.”
“Snap out of what?Christ, I’m playing the best I’ve played in years.”
“I’m not arguing with that.But Shane, you are miserable.Everyone can see it.No one wants to say anything because you are playing amazing.But man, there’s more to life than hockey.Even during the playoffs.I mean, what good is winning if you sleep alone every night.”
“Jesus, Jake.Just leave it the hell alone.”
I yanked my undershirt over my head…and ripped the damn neckline out.
The few guys left in the locker room gave me sidelong glances but quickly looked away again.
Jake rocked back on his heels, his expression unchanged as I finished dressing…without the t-shirt.
“She misses you, too.And the way you’re playing… Well, she’s sure she made the right decision.”
“So what?I’m supposed to lose a few games so she’ll come back to me?That’s the stupidest fucking thing—”
“Damn, you are blind.You only need to show her how much you love her.And play like you’re playing now.Show her you can do both.”
How much you love her.
Were my feelings that fucking obvious?They must be if Jake had picked up on them.But no way in hell was I about to admit it.
“No, I am not.But I do know what I’m talking about.You have to make sure you show her you’re worth it.And then you have to be.”
The flowers showedup at the shop Monday.A bouquet of daisies.
No card.Just two tickets to the first playoff game.The Redtails opened at home this Saturday.Mike already had his ticket.Jake had hooked him up.Mike had asked if I wanted to go with him, that he would ask Jake for another ticket.I said no.
Mike didn’t need me to get to the games.He was perfectly capable of getting there himself.
That didn’t mean I didn’t want to go.
“Ooh, Bliss, honey.Those are beautiful.Got a new beau I haven’t heard about?”
I gave my Aunt Rosie a distracted smile.“No.I’m pretty sure they’re from Shane.”
“Oh.Did you two get back together?”
“No.I haven’t seen him since we…since I broke up with him.”
“So why the flowers?”
“There’re tickets to the first play-off game.”
“Ah.The flowers are beautiful.And there’s so many of them.”
Rosie was right.There were fifteen total.
“That’s an odd number.”Rosie looked at me with a frown, her short, dark hair swinging around her face.“Does the number mean anything?”