Page 40 of Netting the Goalie


“There’s beer in the fridge if you want one,” she called down.“Or wine.Help yourself.”

Sounded like a plan.

“Do you want one?”I called back.

“I’ll have wine.There’s an open bottle in the door and glasses are in the cabinet next to the fridge.”

I’d poured her a glass and had just opened my beer when I felt her come up behind me.

Turning, I held her glass out…and nearly dropped the damn thing.

I’d thought she looked amazing all dressed up but…Holy shit.

She’d pulled her hair back in a pony tail that hung over her shoulder, washed off all her makeup and wore a sweatshirt with the neck cut out over a tank top and a pair of yoga pants that clung to every curve.

My fucking dick was gonna have the imprint of a zipper.

Damn, I wanted to grab that hair and wrap it around my hand then I’d pull her close and kiss her until she melted.And then I’d lay her out on the bed and put my mouth between her legs.

I’d wanted to go down on her two nights ago but we just hadn’t gotten around to it.

Tonight, if she let me into her bed…

As if she could read my mind, her cheeks turned pink and she swallowed hard.

Her gaze flicked away from me as she took the wine glass out of my hand.“Thanks.I need this.I can’t believe—” She cut off with a grimace.“Sorry.I don’t mean to keep talking about what happened tonight.”

“I guess it’s better he called it off at the last second.Otherwise, she’d be stuck with the dick.”

Her eyebrows rose as her lips curved.“You’re absolutely right.”Then she started to laugh.“I glad she didn’t marry him.I just hope someday he realizes just what he lost when he decided not to show up tonight.And I hope he regrets it for the rest of his life.”

“You’re tough.I’d hate to get on your bad side.”

Her nose wrinkled as she took a sip of her wine.“I’m really not.My family all think I’m a marshmallow.”

Looking at her now, I could see why.Soft.She looked so damn soft, I wanted to curl my hand around her neck and pull her against me.Put my mouth over hers and let myself sink into the kiss.

Something niggled at the back of my brain but I ignored whatever it was trying to tell me.

Especially because she was looking into my eyes with a heat I recognized from the last time we’d been alone together.

My hand had moved before I realized.And when I grabbed the end of her ponytail and began to wind it around my palm, I knew why my lungs suddenly felt like I’d done a half hour of sprints.

Because I was going to be inside her again.

“I happen to love marshmallows.”

Her lips parted and I took that as all the encouragement I needed.

Setting my beer on the counter, I took the wine glass out of her hand and set it beside my beer.

We could drink it warm later.

Right now…

I cupped her face in my hands, tilted her face up and kissed her.