Chapter Six

Den practically bit his tongue in half to keep from prodding Jacoby into saying something more. But he knew his friend and he knew it would take Jacoby a while to process what he was thinking and feeling. And, for the first time in a very long time, he had no idea what Jacoby was thinking. Usually, they were on the same page. Usually, whatever Jacoby said, Den agreed with and vice versa. Not now. Den wanted Kari with a grinding ache that had only intensified the more time they spent together. He wanted to strip her naked and give her anything she wanted. She wanted both of them. And, while Den had no problem with that, he was pretty sure Jacoby did. They’d never shared a woman, even though their tastes generally tended toward similar women. Women whose personalities weren’t overblown or loud. Quiet. Gentle. Stable. Kari wasn’t any of those things. She said whatever came into her head, expected you to do the same and never backed down. She could be quiet but she was never cowed. Hell, they’d been holding her against her will for the past three months but she’d never been pissed off at them. She’d smiled and flirted and made Den have to fight to keep his libido in check. She’d never tried to escape, although he now knew that if she’d wanted to leave, she would’ve walked out the door and neither of them would’ve been able to stop her. She had much more power than he’d suspected, probably more than anyone had known. And he’d make sure no one ever took that away from her. At least until she was ready to give it up on her own. To Jacoby’s sister. “You’re thinking so damn hard, you’re giving me a headache. Give it a break, will you?” Jacoby’s voice threw him out of his thoughts and Den turned to stare at him. “I thought you wanted to wait to have this talk.” Den kept his voice down, not wanting to wake Kari, but he heard something in Jacoby’s voice that made him draw in a deep breath. He guessed he should’ve expected this. Jacoby had a much shorter fuse than Den. “It’s been an hour. I’ve had enough time to think. And I think it’s a bad idea.” Shit, really? He’d lost an hour in thought. “What’s a bad idea? Do you mean going to wolves? Trusting them with my mom and your sister? Or the fact that a goddess wants to sleep with us? Pick one, Jack.” “You know which one. Don’t be an ass. I’m taking myself out of the equation.” Den stared at him, shaking his head. “Just like that? Do you really think you have the final say?” “I still have free will. I don’t have to fall in bed with her just because she snaps her fingers.” “Are you telling me you don’t want her? Because I know that’s bullshit.” Jack’s jaw tightened until Den thought the bone might crack. “I’m saying I don’t think I want to share her.” “So you want her for yourself?” Another pause, this one longer. “Of course I do.” “Then it’s me you have a problem with.” Now Jacoby’s hands tightened on the steering while until his knuckles went white. “I don’t have a problem with you. Don’t fucking put words in my mouth.” “Then say what the fuck you mean. I’m getting sick of trying to read your mind.” “I’m trying to save our fucking friendship. You’ve been lusting after her for months.” “So have you.”

“But you can handle her, Den. To you, she’s a woman. To me, she’s still a goddess. I was raised to believe they were untouchable. And I might not be able to get beyond that.” “But we’ve lived with her for the past three months. You know she’s so much more than a myth. She’s a woman, too. Flesh and blood and desire.” “And that’s why I can’t even consider it. She’s not just a woman to me. She’s an ideal. And I might need to believe in that more than I believe in the woman.” Well, shit. This was an angle Den hadn’t even considered and it made him shake his head. “Then you need to tell her.” “I plan to. I just didn’t want you to fight me about it when I do. And as soon as my sister’s safe, I’ll leave.” “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean.” Yeah, Den was afraid he did. And that was a whole other problem. They’d been a team for the past ten years. Den knew he could function without Jacoby. He just didn’t want to. “No. There’s a way to handle this that doesn’t require us to split up.” “Well, when you figure that out, let me know.” Another silence fell and this time, neither of them broke it for a half hour. They’d finally gotten into a more populated area and they needed to ditch this car for another. Since it was three a.m. on a Sunday morning, they decided a used car lot would be their best target. No one would probably notice the car was gone until Monday morning. By that time, they should be in den territory and the car would be long gone. It wasn’t hard to find the right car. A gray Honda with a few years on it, old enough that the electronics wouldn’t be a problem. Although with Jacoby’s powers... Yeah, that still made Den want to hit something but he managed to keep his mouth shut while they pulled into the dark parking lot and made quick work of getting into the Honda and getting it started. Then Den carefully maneuvered Kari out of their old car and into the new. She never woke, which worried Den. But not enough for him to insist they wake her. They’d be at the den in a few more hours and would wake her when they got there. Until then, he and Jacoby would have to deal with each other. “Jack...look, we need to stick together. The Mal’s going to come after us and we’re going to need to watch each other’s backs.” “Don’t you think I know that? I’m trying to stay the fuck out of your way.” “Why would I want you to do that?” “So you and Kari can be together.” “But she doesn’t just want me. She wants both of us.” Jacoby’s jaw clenched so hard, Den swore he heard his teeth crack. “And that doesn’t bother you? Honestly?” “The only person I’d even consider making this work with is you.” “And if I can’t get past having to share her with you...what then?” “Then we’ll working something out. Right now, we just need to focus on getting to the den without getting caught. I’m not sure they know exactly where we’re going but they probably have a pretty good idea. We need to figure out how to get there without getting caught.” “Do you even know where we’re going? I mean, I have a general idea but I don’t figure we’re going to be able to just walk through the front door.” “We can worry about that when we get closer. Right now, I think we need to figure out how to contact them and let them know we’re on our way.” “I don’t think Cole’s going to post his phone number on Facebook.” Den was glad to hear Jacoby somewhat back to his normal, occasionally sarcastic self. But he was right. They’d been counting on having Kari guide them. But she was still down for the count and he didn’t want to disturb her unless they absolutely had to.

But as they got closer to Allentown, Pennsylvania, Den knew they were going to have to do it because they needed direction. “We need to find a motel, one that isn’t going to ask a lot of questions and has separate entrances.” Den pointed to the nearest exit off the turnpike. “We need to get her into a room and I don’t want anyone to see me carry her inside. That’s a sure way to have someone call the cops on us and we don’t need to deal with that.” “No-tell motel it is.” Jacoby headed for the off ramp. “How the hell are we going to wake her?” “Let’s worry about that once we have a room.” They found what they were looking for after only a few minutes. A slightly rundown, one-story motel in a U-shape with doors that opened out to the parking lot. While Jacoby went inside to pay and get the key, Den slid into the back seat and attempted to wake Kari. Even in the gray light of dawn, he could see her color wasn’t good. She looked pale and had dark circles under eyes. When Jacoby returned with an actual key on a numbered tag, he looked into the back seat, eyes narrowing when he saw Den with her in his arms. “Fuck, she doesn’t look good.” Sliding into the driver’s seat, he drove them around to the back of the building on the left. “I asked the manager for the room farthest from the highway.” Luckily, the room opened onto a rear parking lot where only one other car was parked. Three doors with numbers faced a wooded lot at the rear. Jacoby wasted no time getting out of the car and opening the door while Den picked up Kari and handed her to Jacoby, who’d come back to help. It only took seconds to get inside and close and lock the door behind them. As Jacoby laid Kari on one of the two queen beds in the surprisingly large space, Den checked out the room. There was a small window in the bathroom that Kari could possibly squeeze through if she had to but otherwise, the only way in or out was the front door or the large window beside it. Den made sure the curtains covered it completely before he went to the bed, where Jacoby sat on the side staring down at Kari, holding one of her hands in his. “She’s out cold.” Jacoby looked over at him and shook his head, his expression dark and worried. “I tried to wake her but I’m not having any luck. You don’t think she’s in a coma, do you?” Den sat on the other side of the bed, grabbing her other hand feeling for a pulse. “I don’t think so. Her pulse is strong. I think she’s just wiped out from using her power.” “Did you have any idea she could still do that?” “No. Let’s hope no one else knows.” “How are we gonna figure out how to get to the den?” Den looked at Jacoby and waited until he caught his gaze. “Kiss her.” Heat flashed into Jacoby’s eyes before he blinked and wiped it away. “Don’t fucking push me.” “She needs to recharge. And she’s gonna need both of us to do it. You probably have more raw power than I do, considering what you can do.” “You’ve got a godsdamn Goddess Gift, Den.” “Which isn’t anywhere near as powerful as what you can do. Kiss her, Jack. Stop being a dick. This isn’t about what we want any more. It’s about what she needs.” Jacoby stared back at him for what had to be a full minute before he sucked in a breath and turned back to Kari. Then he leaned forward and pressed his mouth against her. Den tried to watch with a clinical eye, tried not to think about what this woman, this goddess, wanted them to do to her. He was worried about her and that worry was a nagging ache in his gut. But he also wanted her and that desire burned through his blood. If she were awake and Jacoby was kissing her, where would he fit into the scene? He had a few ideas but the main one involved him with his head between her legs, licking her until she came.

Fuck. As he shook the thought out of his head, he focused on Jacoby, who was doing nothing more than pressing his lips against hers. “Seriously, man? That’s how you kiss a woman?” Jacoby broke the connection, sat back and stared at him. “She’s out cold. I feel like a fucking creeper.” “You’re not doing anything she doesn’t want. She asked for this. Now fucking kiss her like you mean it.” Jacoby stared at him for several long seconds but Den wasn’t backing down. Jacoby knew he was right. He was overthinking. Again. “Kiss her, Jack. Show her how you really feel about her.” Jacoby took a deep breath and leaned forward again. He went slow, pressed his lips against hers just enough to let her know he was there. Den could tell he was still holding back and was about to say something but then Jacoby moved his head. He angled it a little differently, enough to make her lips part. Now, Jacoby kissed her with slow deliberation, like he’d thought out every move and was putting a plan into action. But he also kissed her with an increasing passion. Moving his lips over hers, Jacoby slid one hand up her arm to cup her head in his palm and tilt her chin up a little more. When Jacoby drew back for a breath, Den saw Kari’s lips had parted and her cheeks had a little more color than before. At least, he thought they did. Her breathing also seemed to be coming a little faster but that could just be wishful thinking on his part. What wasn’t wishful thinking was the thickening of his cock in his jeans. That was most definitely happening. Damn, maybe Jacoby was right. Maybe this was totally fucked up. And maybe it was exactly what she needed. When Jacoby bent to kiss her again, Den could have sworn he felt her hand grip his. Because he couldn’t be sure, he sat as still as possible and watched Jacoby kiss her with a little more passion. And now he knew she tightened her hand on his. At the same time, he heard Jacoby groan as Kari moved her head and responded to his kiss. With a tight hold on Den’s hand, she released Jacoby’s hand so she could curve it around his neck and hold on. Jacoby didn’t seem in any hurry to stop now that he’d started. Their kiss made all the air in the room disappear. And Den wanted in on the action. Instead, he forced himself to keep his distance. Didn’t want Jacoby to freak and run. But damn, their kiss began to take on an erotic edge that made Den feel like a voyeur. He could kind of understand why Jacoby might be weirded out by watching another man kiss or fuck a woman he wanted. Then again, Den had never seen anything so fucking hot in his life. He’d never seen Jacoby kiss a woman before but he could tell his friend had had a lot of practice. Den hoped he wouldn’t pale in comparison. Jacoby seemed to have forgotten all about him, kissing her with an increasing fervor. His lips moved over hers with purpose then parting hers so he could slip his tongue between them. As their tongues connected, he heard her moan and now her hand practically crushed his. The heat between them scalded him. He didn’t know how long Jacoby and Kari held that kiss but when they finally separated, they both panted like it’d been days since they’d been able to breathe. Finally, her eyes opened. And Den breathed a huge sigh of relief. “Kari. Are you okay?” She didn’t answer immediately. She took a second to smile up at Jacoby, who looked dazed. Probably a lot like Den had looked after he’d kissed her in the kitchen. Finally, she turned to Den, her smile still in place, lips kiss swollen and so fucking enticing. “I think so.” She moved to sit up but only got halfway before immediately lying back down again. “Then again, maybe I’ll just stay here a few more minutes.”

“Shit.” Jacoby stood so fast, he probably gave himself vertigo. “We need to get you to the den. We probably shouldn’t have stopped.” Kari grabbed his hand and stopped him from moving away. “No, you were right to stop. You need me awake to find the den and I needed a waking up.” Her smile was weak but it was there and Den breathed a little easier. Jacoby, however, looked ready to combust. And not in a good way. “Just tell us where we need to go then you can get some sleep. We’ll figure out the rest.” Her smile looked a little sad. “It’s not just a matter of an address. You need help with the wards or you’ll never find the place.” “Can’t we contact someone, have them meet us?” Gee, could Jacoby act any more eager to get rid of her? Didn’t he see how her expression dimmed? He wanted to take a swing at his best friend and tell him to shape the fuck up. But he didn’t want to do it in front of Kari. She had enough to worry about without having him and Jacoby at each other’s throats. But the first time Den got him alone, all bets were off. “If you’d like, you can drop me off at Sal’s and I’ll be out of your hair.” Okay, maybe he would take one swing right now for making her sound like that, like she was defeated. “That’s not what I meant. And it’s not what I want.” Jacoby’s jaw tightened until Den thought it might crack. “Dammit. I don’t want to get rid of you. I just want you to be safe.” “Well, you have a pretty damn funny way of showing it.” There was a little heat in her words now, a tone he’d never heard her use before. She was getting pissed. Den thought about stepping in but decided he’d sit back and watch them go at it. Jacoby was an adult. He could fight his own battles. And he was pretty sure Kari didn’t need much help to defend herself. At least not against Jacoby. Because Den was pretty sure Jack didn’t really want to fight with her. He wanted much more than a kiss and, if it took a shouting match to get there, well, Den would enjoy the show.


How much farther do I have to push Jacoby until he kisses me again? Kari still had a power hangover and needed to recharge. Sure, she could use more sleep and a few cheeseburgers and chocolate shakes. But sex was so much better when it came to restoring her energy. But Jacoby was proving to be a stubborn case. When she’d started to come out of her fugue, she’d been thrilled to find Jacoby kissing her. Not that she wouldn’t have been just as thrilled with Den but Den wasn’t resisting her as hard as Jacoby. Den had been ready to do her in the kitchen if they’d had time. She was pretty sure if she asked, he’d crawl in bed with her right now and give her exactly what she wanted. But what she really wanted was both. And that was proving much harder than it normally did. Especially with Jacoby scowling down at her and looking like he wanted to run. Maybe she shouldn’t have let her frustration show with her last statement. Maybe she should’ve continued to flirt and cajole and wait until he came around. And maybe she would’ve had to wait until the demon actually caught up to her again before he’d give in and give her what she wanted. With a sigh, she shook her head and let her eyes close as she rested her head back on the pillow again. Maybe she did need to sleep a little more. She still felt groggy. You know what would help with that. Sex. Of course, there was still another man in the room. Opening her eyes, she turned to find Den watching her from the other side of the bed. Den never really said much. She had the feeling he allowed Jacoby to speak for both of them much of the time. Not

because he didn’t have an opinion or the intellect but because he probably thought Jacoby explained things better than he could. Which wasn’t true. Den could express himself just as well as Jacoby. He just did it with many fewer words. He was a man of action. And right now, she needed some. “Den, will you give me what I need? Jacoby doesn’t want to be helpful.” “I’ll give you whatever you want.” She smiled, a familiar heat flowing through her veins. “I’m not asking for much. Just sex.” The hunger already present in Den’s gaze flared as his lips flattened and his hand tightened on hers. He hadn’t released her the entire time she’d been arguing with Jacoby. Fuck it. Den wanted her and she wanted him just as much as she wanted Jacoby. In her mind, they were equals. Not two halves of a whole but two entities. Separately, they made her hot. If she had them together, she might spontaneously combust. She was willing to take the chance, of course, but if Jacoby wasn’t... “Then I’d like you to kiss me.” Now he did glance up at Jacoby but he wasn’t asking permission. He was giving his friend one last chance. She didn’t check to see Jacoby’s reaction. She remained focused on Den, who, after a few, short seconds, looked away from Jacoby and back to her. In the next second, he pressed his mouth against hers and took her breath away. She hadn’t gotten the chance to experience Jacoby’s kiss from the beginning and regretted that she couldn’t entice him into kissing her again. But Den more than made up what she’d missed and then some. Where Jacoby’s kiss had been almost worshipful, Den kissed her like a man kissed a woman. Not a goddess but a woman he craved. A woman he wanted to throw on the bed and fuck until neither of them could breathe and both of them wanted to sleep for the next two days. That’s the kind of sex she craved. And Den was probably the only person she’d ever met who knew who she was and wanted to give it to her anyway. His lips moved on hers with a force that stole her breath and she responded with a heat all her own. Tinia’s teat. It’d been so long since she’d let herself get lost in a kiss, let a man take her under with just the heat of his mouth and a talented tongue. Would he use that tongue elsewhere if she asked? She was pretty sure he would. Letting the slight hurt from Jacoby fall away, she concentrated instead on Den, who wanted her regardless of who and what she was. She could sense his desire, sense the need he had for her. It communicated itself in the waves of heat coming from his body and the intense longing battering at her senses. Responding to that need, she opened her mouth to him and allowed his tongue to slip between her lips and tangle with her own. His taste exploded on her tongue, making her moan. Lifting her arms, she wrapped them around his back then sank her fingers into the silky hair that lay just over his nape. She’d been longing for weeks to put her hands in that hair, to feel it against her palms...and between her thighs as he went down on her. The image made lust flash through her body and she tilted her head to get a better angle on his mouth. This... Yes, this was what she needed. She felt her power begin to rejuvenate, to course through her veins and make her feel more like herself again. A low moan escaped her and Den must’ve taken that as a sign that she wanted more. Oh hell, yes, she wanted more. So much more. Exerting the slightest bit of pressure, she let Den know she wanted him to come closer. He didn’t hesitate. Settling his hands on either side of her head, he leaned over, pressing her head back into the pillow and opening her mouth even farther.

And then he let loose. His mouth moved over hers with a purpose, teasing and coaxing, making her feel as if she was the only person in his world right now. As if he only had one purpose in mind and that was to make her feel like a goddess. Like she hadn’t in so very long. Her hands tightened in his hair, trying to tug him even closer but she wasn’t sure that was possible. Unless they lost a few layers of clothes. And oh, yes, that’s exactly what she wanted. Naked skin pressed against naked skin. Damp, heated flesh clinging. She already felt her skin slicken, especially between her thighs. Her nipples had pebbled to tight points that ached hands to caress them. Jacoby’s hands, preferably, while Den let his linger between her legs. Her hips arched up, the ache between them growing with every second. Such a wonderful ache. As his tongue lashed against hers, she felt the ache expand from between her thighs to her gut. So hot and unlike anything she’d experienced in years. It’d been so long since she’d let herself fully enjoy sex. For so long, she’d been using random men to slake her hunger, mostly eteri. Men without magic who did nothing to refill the well of her power. This man would do more than refill it. And together, he and Jacoby could— No. Apparently, that wasn’t going to happen. Unfortunately. Den chose that moment to pull back, as if he’d sensed her attention begin to waver. He looked down into her eyes, the ice-blue of his now burning bright. Promising so much. But she couldn’t help herself. Call her greedy. She looked to her side. And found Jacoby watching them with a hunger he did nothing to conceal. He’d moved to stand against the wall across from the bed, arms crossed over his chest. He didn’t look torn now. He looked intrigued and turned on. Stifling a smile, she let their gazes connect. She could make this work. Moving one hand to Den’s shoulder, she urged him to put his mouth on her neck, which he did immediately. Opening his mouth, he lightly sucked on her skin, creating a small sting, which he soothed with his tongue. Her eyes started to close but she forced them open, maintaining contact with Jacoby. The connection held as Den kissed his way down her throat to her collarbone, exposed by the wide neckline of her shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples poked against the soft cotton, aching for touch. As if Den had read her mind, he brought one hand up to cup her left breast, his thumb and forefinger pinching the nipple between them almost to the point of pain. It felt so damn good, she wanted to close her eyes and drift in her arousal. Instead, she forced herself to watch Jacoby. But his attention had drifted to Den’s hand. And that was okay, too. Watching Jacoby watch Den pleasure her ramped up her arousal. Sucking in a deep breath when she realized her lungs burned for the lack of oxygen, she arched her back, trying to make Den handle her with more force. Even though he didn’t treat her like a porcelain doll, as a lot of other men did, he was aware enough of his strength to be cautious of using too much of it. His hand molded and shaped her breast but it wasn’t enough to give her the sensation she wanted. She needed more. “I’m not going to break. Harder, Den.” His head lifted from where he’d been biting her earlobe and he stared into her eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you.” His voice made all the tiny hairs on her body stand. So deep. And she heard his own arousal in the rough tone beneath. As if he was starting to lose control. Yes, please. That’s exactly what I want. “You won’t. Trust me. I want it.” His hand tightened on her and she wasn’t sure if it was involuntary or not but it was what she needed. Moaning, she arched even more, her hands reaching above her for the headboard so she could arch even higher and harder into his hands. Suddenly, he sat up, taking his hands away. No, no, no.

About to protest, she snapped her lips closed when he grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it up her body and over her head.

Oh yes.

Her hair fell around her face in a mess but Den’s hands reached it before she could, brushing it out of her eyes before running his fingers through it to the ends. He let it fall from his fingers and over her breasts. The sensation of her own hair against her nipples made her shiver. And when Den brushed his fingers across her breasts, he pushed her hair away there, as well.

Every sensation was heightened, every nerve ending tingling with anticipation. Of what, she wasn’t sure yet.

She honestly didn’t know if Den was going to make love to her or not. She certainly hoped so but she still wasn’t sure he’d go that far with Jacoby in the room.

“You’re fucking beautiful.”

Her lips curved. “Thank you. I appreciate the compliment.”

“Don’t you agree, Jack? Isn’t she the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen?”

Den’s gaze was glued to her body, watching as he pressed her breasts together, thumbs flicking her hard nipples. As if he might be imagining his cock thrusting between them.

Her thighs clenched on a wave of lust so powerful, she almost missed Jacoby’s response.

She wasn’t sure he’d answer at all but when he did, he left her with no doubt that he wanted her just as much as Den.

“Yes. She is.”

She turned to Jacoby, whose gaze was locked on her breasts.

“Then why don’t you join us?”

She held out her hand, steeling herself for his rejection. He didn’t take it right away but he didn’t walk away either. After several long seconds, his gaze lifted to meet hers.

“I’m not sure I can give you what you want.”

“How will you know if you never ask me what I want?”

Den returned his attention to her breasts, continuing to play with her nipples, trying to drive her to distraction, apparently. And it was working.

But she was determined not to let Jacoby walk away without a fight.

His gaze slipped from hers to watch Den again. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Den lean forward a second before he put his mouth over one nipple.