She sucked in a sharp breath as a wave of electricity shot from her breasts to her clit, making her sex clench with need. Her back arched again and she had to fight to keep her eyes open. Den’s single-minded focus threatened to fracture her attention and she moaned, writhing against him, searching for satisfaction.
Jacoby took a step toward the bed.
Her lungs worked to keep her body supplied with oxygen but it felt like a losing battle. Hell, having both of them at the same time might actually be more than she could handle at the moment. That should have been a sobering thought.
Instead, it exhilarated her. She’d never felt so overwhelmed and near the edge before and it thrilled her.
Reaching for Jacoby with one hand, she sank the other into the longer hair at Den’s nape and held on for the ride.
Jacoby wasn’t sure which way was up anymore. Ten minutes ago, he’d been convinced he couldn’t do this, couldn’t give her what she wanted. He hadn’t thought he’d be able to share Kari with another man, not even one he trusted as much as Den.
He’d never thought he’d want to watch another man make love to a woman. Now...he’d never been so turned on in his life.
Watching Den, watching her respond to him... Every nerve ending in his body felt energized, every inch of his skin burned like he was on fire.
His hands clenched into fists at his sides, attempting not to reach out and touch her, even though that’s all he wanted to do. He wanted to put his hands on her breasts, to feel her nipples peak against his skin. Wanted to test the weight of those mounds in his palms and squeeze them until she cried out from his touch. He wanted her to cry out while he had his hands on her and he wanted to kiss her as she moaned into his mouth. Now, her hand tightened on his as she closed her eyes while Den sucked her nipples into his mouth and made her arch her back as she sought more contact. He didn’t realize he’d taken another step closer until his knees hit the side of the bed. If he wanted to, he could kneel beside her, lean over and kiss her. The need became a nagging ache in his gut until he could resist no longer. As if Den could read his mind, he began to drag his mouth lower, down to her stomach. Getting out of Jacoby’s way. Kari’s eyes opened as Den moved, looking down before glancing up at Jacoby. Their gazes met and held for several long seconds before he lowered his head and kissed her. And holy fuck, if he thought their earlier kiss had been hot, this one was off the charts. That, more than anything, cut through the veil of indecision that’d been hovering over him. He was going to take what he wanted and damn the consequences. He could tell himself he was doing this for her but he’d be lying. Or, at least, only partly. He wanted her any way he could get her. And if he had to share her, at least it was with Den, the only person in the world he trusted. Cupping her head in his hands, he lifted her toward him, turning her head to the side so he could kiss her even deeper. As his tongue slid against hers, he realized how stupid he’d been before. How selfish. She’d needed him before, needed his strength and he’d refused her. He wouldn’t refuse her again. She could have everything. Sliding her hands into his hair, she held tightly to him, as if she was afraid he’d back away again. He wasn’t going anywhere without her. Their tongues tangled and she moaned into his mouth, giving him what he wanted, what he’d been craving. She tasted so damn sweet, he wanted to lick her everywhere. And he would. He and Den would take turns. But for now, there was more than enough of her to go around. Kissing her even harder, he moved his hands to her shoulders, running his palms over her soft skin, feeling the delicate bones beneath. She was curvy and her personality was so big, the fact that she was so delicate hit him like a smack upside the head. He and Den were big guys. He didn’t want to hurt her. And the things he wanted to do to her weren’t sweet or pretty. They were dirty and rough. He’d learned to submerge those baser instincts with all of the women he’d been with before. He didn’t want to hide them from her. He felt like she’d take him no matter what. And that was freeing. When she bit his lip, making him groan, he had to wonder if she’d caught a hint of what he was feeling. Well, no shit, asshole. She’s an empathic goddess. The fact that she didn’t turn him away brought all those darker desires closer to the surface. He let her nip at his tongue before sucking on it and soothing that tiny hurt before he pulled away, staring into her eyes for several seconds. She was breathing hot and heavy, and so was he. She’d sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and was biting on it, the sight making him want to bite her all over. Then her eyes closed as her body arched and the look on her face was pure sensual pleasure. He needed to see what Den was doing to put that look on her face. Turning, he found Den with his hands on her thighs, pressing them apart while he blew on the dark patch of hair on her mound.
The sound she made when Den moved his hands up her thighs to shove them under her ass and lift her caused Jacoby’s cock to respond with a jerk. Vaffanculo, if he wasn’t careful, he’d come in his damn pants. And that would be a damn tragedy. He was either coming in her mouth or her pussy. When Den put his mouth over her pussy and feasted, he couldn’t look away. He never would’ve guessed that his friend was a master at eating out women. Then again, it wasn’t like they’d ever shared sex stories. They’d been so damn focused on finding a way out that their plans for escape had consumed them. Right now, the only thing that mattered was giving her pleasure. Den used his mouth to suck on her pussy lips for several long seconds before he drew back and played the tip of his tongue over her clit. Her upper body lifted off the bed and Den used his hands to hold her hips down and drive her wild. “Jack, hold her down.” Jacoby didn’t hesitate to follow Den’s instructions. Not when he could see how much pleasure she got from Den’s mouth. Sliding up the bed, he settled himself above her, his legs on either side of her body. Drawing her head onto his left thigh, he fastened his hands to her breasts and squeezed. “Oh, my stars.” She sounded out of breath and completely consumed by desire, her body writhing beneath their hands like a flame, uncontrollable and red-hot. Her skin held a rosy glow it hadn’t before, her nipples cherry-red and too damn tempting. Den’s hands looked huge on her hips, holding her tight enough to leave marks. Shifting his gaze, Jacoby saw his own hands left faint impressions where he held her. That shouldn’t make him feel so damn possessive. It did. Hell, it inflamed his desire to own her. Bending over her, he sealed their mouths together again, the upside-down position giving him a challenge he was more than happy to meet. It forced him to concentrate, to be more controlled. She met his kiss with a red-hot response, giving back even more. Her lips moved against his as she moaned into his mouth, making his own hunger rush closer to the surface. He felt her hands curl around his neck, each finger a brand against his skin before she slid them into his hair and brought him even closer, holding him tight. As if she thought he might try to get away. He was going nowhere, at least not until they’d finished what they’d started. His hands slid from her shoulders to her breasts, the softness of her skin a taunt. He wanted to feel her breasts against his chest as he fucked her. The image shoved out every last rational thought he might’ve had. Now, his only mission in life was to make her scream. Forcing himself to give up her mouth, he shifted his attention to her breasts. In his peripheral vision, he saw Den glance up from between her legs, watching him. Only minutes ago, that might’ve freaked him out. Now, it barely registered. She’d become his entire focus. Pulling her closer, he draped her over his thigh so he could get to her breasts easier. And then he let himself feast. He used his teeth and tongue to torment her, making her squirm as Den continued to hold her down. Den abandoned his own actions for the moment to watch Jacoby. Sucking on one nipple, he squeezed the other between his thumb and forefinger, plucking at the tip. The sounds she made gave him the most intense satisfaction. As if she were praising him. He wanted nothing more than to make her happy. Sucking her nipple into his mouth, he tormented her with bites and licks. He’d never made love to a woman who inspired him to pleasure her more thoroughly than Kari did. And it wasn’t simply the fact that she was a goddess, though that might have had a little something to do with it. Mostly, though, it was simply her. She made him want to break her down and hear her cry out his name. From the corner of his eye, he saw Den return to making love to her pussy with his mouth. And now, she melted. She went boneless in his arms and he knew she was theirs.
The frantic urge to own her reared up again and he squeezed her a little bit tighter, bit her a little harder. She responded with sighs that made him want to beat his chest. And demand even more.
But she nearly derailed him when she reached between his legs and cupped his aching cock in her hands.
“Jacoby, I want to suck you while Den fucks me.”
Holy hell. Every nerve ending in his body responded like she’d doused him in gasoline and lit a match. The image in his head caused all the breath to leave his lungs, which he quickly sucked back in.
Lifting his head, he caught and held her gaze and...
Holy shit. Were her eyes glowing?
He blinked and shook his head and now the glow was gone. He wondered if it had ever really been there or if he’d imagined it.
Either way, it wouldn’t have mattered. He was too far gone.
“Whatever you want, my lady.”
She smiled, as if she knew he hadn’t meant to use that title to keep her at a distance. No, it was an endearment, one he planned to use a hell of a lot more if it put that smile on her face.
“I want you.” Her gaze bored directly into his before sliding to Den. “And I want you. I’ve been waiting for three months. I don’t want to wait any longer.”
He completely understood.
Not bothering to check with Den, he laid her back on the bed then rose up on his knees. At the foot of the bed, Den did the same. The sound of two zippers releasing filled the silence that had fallen between them.
A sense of urgency made Jacoby work faster, shoving his pants and underwear down and over his hips. His stiff cock released, jutting forward, as if reaching for her mouth.
The bed shook as Den repositioned himself, spreading her legs even farther. Jacoby watched Den’s big hands grip her thighs high on the inside, making her suck in a deep breath.
When he slid them under her thighs and lifted her pelvis up, her teeth sank into her bottom lip. Jacoby switched between watching her and watching Den, letting his own arousal feed off hers.
He saw Den take his thick cock in hand and point it toward her opening. Jacoby had seen Den naked, of course. For the past three months, they’d lived together in a tiny cabin but Jacoby had never studied the guy’s dick before.
Now he couldn’t look away. Maybe he was a voyeur. He’d just never had the chance to experience it before. He was pretty sure he was going to like it.
He definitely liked the way Kari responded. He loved watching her eyes shut as Den touched the tip to the lips of her sex and pause there.