Page 65 of The Grinder

Riley smiled back as they shook. The blond Canadian stood an inch or so shorter but was built like a bulldog. Powerful body and a face that looked like it’d taken a few too many beatings, the scar from a horrific skate-to-the-face injury from years ago fading but still visible.

“Been at least a year,” Riley said. “Heard the Crush traded you after I left. Glad to know it’s working out.”

“Aw, yeah, it’s been great. Suki loves the area and at least we’re on the same coast as her parents now. With the new baby, that’s been a real help.”

“I heard. That’s great, man. Congrats.”

Colin’s grin grew even wider. “Thanks. You wanna see her picture?”

The man beside Colin groaned, but the smile on his face was amused. “At least tell me you got new ones. The last ones I saw were at least two days old.”

Colin flipped Travis Walker the finger as he dug out his phone, which made Travis bray like a donkey.

Riley took Travis’s hand when he stuck it out.

“Welcome up, bud.” Travis shook his hand with a punishing grip but Riley had been ready for it. “Good to see you again.”

“Good to see you, too.” Riley and the defenseman had been teammates years ago in Grand Rapids, where they’d played in the ECHL right after Riley had graduated from college. Travis had been a hotshot with a huge talent until he’d taken a devastating hit to the boards that’d nearly ended his career. But the guy had bounced back to become one of the league’s steadiest defensemen.

For a few weeks three seasons ago, the three of them had played for the same AHL team before being traded to different franchises.

They caught up for a few minutes while Colin swiped through his phone for pictures of his adorable baby girl. Riley smiled at pictures of the hulking Colin holding a tiny human with his arm around his college sweetheart-now-wife.

Riley had met Suki several times when they’d been on the same team and he’d liked her. She had that no-nonsense Canadian humor he’d grown accustomed to playing hockey. And she could swear like a man. Better than her husband, actually.

It wasn’t until a few minutes later that Riley saw Travis glance over his shoulder and grimace.

“Hey, man. Looks like your kid’s gonna need a watchdog. He’s…what? Twenty-one, right? He does not want to get messed up with the Strakas. Looks a little green to be messing in their shit.”

Looking over his shoulder, Riley saw CJ nodding at something Hubert Straka had said. CJ didn’t look like he was in trouble but he didn’t exactly look comfortable either.

Hubert and Christian Straka, Russian machines straight out of central casting, were tall, blond, and almost identical, from their intimidating faces to their wicked right-hand slapshots. They were great defensive wingers and racked up serious points every season, but they had a reputation for partying hard and had occasionally dragged some of the younger players down with them.

Riley stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled, catching CJ’s and the Strakas’ attention. “Kid, let’s haul.”

Relief crossed CJ’s face but he covered it by turning his head to check his locker then grabbing his bag and nodding at the brothers before hustling over to Riley’s side.

After he introduced CJ to Travis and Colin, they all walked out together. While Colin went home, Travis offered to take Riley and CJ to lunch before they went back to the hotel before the game.

The hostess at the restaurant knew Travis by name, and the smile they exchanged made it clear she knew a lot more than that.

Riley shook his head. Some things never changed. He and Travis had slept their way through half the population of women under thirty in Rapid City during their time there.

When they were seated and had ordered, Travis motioned with his head toward the hostess.

“She’s got a sister.” Travis smiled at Riley. “Dude, we could relive Wilkes-Barre.”

CJ’s eyes rounded and he glanced between Travis and Riley but kept his mouth shut, shoveling bread like they wouldn’t bring more.

With a soft huff, Riley shook his head. “Nah, man. I’m turning over a new leaf.”

Travis looked stunned before he started to smile.

“Yeah, right,” Travis scoffed. “You’re too young to be tied down. And when you lock down your slot on the team, you’re gonna want your freedom. Dude, women will be crawling all over you. And I’m not just talking small-town sweethearts. I’m talking Victoria’s Secret models and fucking porn stars. You will think you’ve died and gone to heaven. The sheer amount of ass and the quality available for the taking will be overwhelming at first but you’ll learn to weed out the ones who want to land a husband fast.”

Actually, that sounded…like hell.

He shook his head. “Maybe I’m actually looking for a wife.”