Page 64 of The Grinder

“Do you want to go?”

Yes. “I’m not sure.”

Vivi’s eyebrows rose again. “What was your first response?”

Aly bit her tongue because she’d wanted to say yes. Then she shook her head and dropped her spoon back into her bowl. “Of course I want to be at the game. But I have a job that I need. I can’t just drop everything and drive to Philly because some hot guy wants me to go to his game.”

Vivi’s lips curved in a surprisingly bittersweet smile. “You’ve always been so much more grown-up than everyone else. Even our parents. When Mom and Dad used to have their shouting matches and they’d throw things at each other and slam doors, you’d be the one to go talk to them and get them to calm down. Some days, I still think you’re the only adult in the family.”

Aly’s back stiffened. “That’s not a bad thing.”

Shaking her head, Vivi sighed. “No, it’s not. I didn’t mean to sound like it was. I’m just saying…you don’t always have to be the grown-up. You don’t always have to be rational and sane and fair. Sometimes you need to cut loose.”

“I did.” And see where it’s gotten you. “I slept with him. I didn’t even wait for the third date. Or until I had a background check done.” At her sister’s startled face, she rolled her eyes. “I’m kidding. Jeez, do you really think I’m that anal?”

Vivi shrugged. “Sometimes, yeah, because you are. And that’s not always bad. You and I wouldn’t be able to live here if you weren’t because you’re the one that makes sure we have enough money to pay the bills.”

“And that makes me the most boring person on earth.”

“Oh please.” It was Vivi’s turn to roll her eyes. “Obviously you’re not or Riley wouldn’t want you at his game. And…I think you should go.”

“No.” Aly shook her head. “I already told him I couldn’t.”

Besides, she’d checked for tickets. The game was sold out and resales were way beyond her means.

“Anyway, it’s better this way. He needs to concentrate and I don’t want to be a distraction. And I don’t even know if I could see him after the game. He’ll probably want to go out with the team and I don’t want to get in the way of that.”

Vivi stared at her with a bemused expression. “You have it all figured out, don’t you?”

“I have to. I’m an adult.”

“And what if you’re wrong?”

“What do you mean?”

Vivi leaned forward, her expression intent. “I mean…what if he’s the one?”

Her breath caught in her throat and she had to swallow before she could speak. “Then I guess if it doesn’t work out, I’ll have to be rational and move on.”

“Or maybe it’s your time to do something just for you.”


“Aly. Go to the game.”

Smiling, she shook her head. “I wish it was that simple.”

“Are you sure it’s not?”

Yeah, she was. Because nothing in life was.

* * * * *

“Good practice, boys. Hit the showers, get some food then rest up for the game. New York’s a tough defensive team, but I’ve got confidence in our offense. Doesn’t mean I don’t want our defense to slack. I’m expecting you all to play hard and smart. Special teams are going to be crucial tonight and we’re down two of our regular penalty killers so everyone’s expected to pick up the slack. See you tonight.”

As Coach Angstadt left the room, the team stood and most began to file out. A few hung back and two headed toward Riley.

“Hey, man. Haven’t seen you for…what? Like a year?” Holding out his hand to Riley, center Colin Williams grinned. “It’s great to see you. Congrats on the call-up.”