Page 13 of The Grinder

Aly could barely hear Vivi over the roar of the crowd and pumping music. They’d gotten to the arena only five minutes before the game had started and had barely gotten into their seats before the lights dimmed and the teams skated onto the ice.

She’d had to wait until the lights came up to see the program and find out what number Riley wore so she could find him on the ice.

But as soon as she spotted him, she knew she’d never mistake him for another man. There was something about Riley that made every single hormone in her body tingle and take notice.

“They’re all huge. I think some of it’s the gear.”

“Maybe. But he’s really big.” Vivi looked over and grinned. “So not your type. I like.”

Knocking her shoulder against Vivi’s, she shook her head. “Don’t even go there. Jesus, we haven’t even gone out yet. And I talked to him for, like, ten minutes.”

“Yeah, but you’re going out with him tonight. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised if you don’t come home, huh?”

She felt a blush heat her cheeks. “Jeez. Tell the entire arena.”

Vivi rolled her eyes. “Oh please. No one can hear us over this noise.”

Probably true. The arena wasn’t completely sold out but there had to be at least seven thousand people in the building, most of them standing and clapping for their team while they waited for the referee to drop the puck to start the game.

Since she’d never been to a game before, she wasn’t really sure what to expect.

The speed was exhilarating but, oh my god, the game was physical. Players slammed each other into the boards so hard, the glass around the ice shook. They fell or were tripped and hit the ice so hard, she flinched, unable to believe they didn’t break bones.

But milliseconds later, they were back on their feet and skating off after the puck.

After a particularly brutal-looking hit by an opposing player against one of the Redtails, the man sitting a few rows down yell, “Get off your knees, ref! You’re blowing the game.”

She and Vivi turned to each other and started to laugh.

As they continued to laugh, the buzzer sounded and the players exited the ice. Music started to play and everyone around them rose and stretched or headed toward the aisles.

She and Vivi stood but didn’t leave.

“I think I might love hockey.” Vivi grinned at her, no hint of sarcasm to be found. “I can’t believe we haven’t come to a game before.”

Aly smiled back, happy to see her sister smiling. “I’m enjoying it but, oh my god, every time they get hit, I want to cringe. How do they take so much damage? It’s brutal. They must be one big bruise afterward.”

“Usually, yes, they are.”

The friendly voice came from behind them and Aly turned to find a pretty redhead smiling at them.

“Sorry, couldn’t help but overhear. Hi, I’m Bliss.” She stuck out her hand, which Aly immediately shook. “You obviously haven’t been to a game before and we are so loving your commentary.”

Immediately on her guard, Aly’s smile dimmed as she transferred it to the brunette standing next to Bliss.

“Hey, I’m Lori.” She stuck out her hand, too. “And honestly, we’re not being catty. My husband and Bliss’s boyfriend are players. I’ve been living and breathing hockey for a few years so whenever I meet someone who doesn’t, I love watching them fall in love with the game the way I did.”

“I’m fairly new to the sport, too,” Bliss said. “My boyfriend, Shane, is the goalie. Lori’s husband, Cary, is a forward.”

Then Lori and Bliss exchanged a glance before Lori’s smile widened. “So I hope you don’t mind me asking but…which one of you is dating Riley?”

Stunned, Aly’s eyes widened.

What the hell?

Obviously, Lori read her expression because the other woman held up a hand. “Yes, I know we’re being really intrusive but you’re sitting in the wives and girlfriends section so we figured we’d say hi. And since hockey players are almost as bad as teenage girls about gossip, everyone knows Riley has a date after the game. We just wanted to say hi. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us. We’ve probably had the same ones.”

Since they seemed nice, Aly decided to take them up on the offer. “Is the game always so…rough?”