Both women’s smiles warmed and Aly felt her internal walls slipping even more.
“Sometimes, it’s worse.” Lori shook her head. “This game’s actually been pretty tame.”
“Since Shane’s the goalie, he doesn’t get hit a lot but Riley’s a pretty physical player,” Bliss continued. “He’ll probably have more than a few cuts and bruises when he takes off his gear tonight. Just don’t be shocked. The guys are used to it. You will be, too, when you’re around the game long enough.”
Aly had the almost overwhelming urge to reiterate the fact that she and Riley had just met and were having their first date tonight then decided against it when Lori continued.
“The first time I met Cary after a game, I thought he’d been in a fight in the locker room. He had a black eye from a fight in the second period and a huge bruise on his side. I was afraid to touch him.” She exchanged a glance with Bliss. “He didn’t have the same problem.”
Bliss rolled her eyes while Lori laughed. She was a little older than the rest of them, probably mid-thirties, but her laughter was warm and inviting and Aly couldn’t help but like her. Even Vivi, who didn’t always warm up to people right away, smiled at Lori.
“Yeah, I’m not going there.” Bliss shook her head. “But I will say they’re usually a little…hyper after a game, especially if they win.”
“Do they win a lot?”
“Well, we’re two months into the season and they’re twelve and three. Last year, they won the championship and this year, they’re predicted to get to the finals again.”
“So they’re good?” Vivi asked.
Lori smiled. “Yeah, they’re really good. Riley wasn’t here last year but he’s been a great addition to the team. Cary thinks this could be Riley’s year to get called up.”
Aly shook her head. “I don’t—”
“Sorry, sorry.” Lori made a face. “Forgot you don’t speak hockey yet. Called up means he’d get to play in the NHL.”
Okay, now that she understood. “And that’s where he wants to be, right?”
“That’s the ultimate goal, yes.” Bliss nodded. “Not all of them make it, though.”
Lori put her arm around Bliss’s shoulders and hugged. “And some are destined. They don’t call Shane ‘Brick Wall’ for nothing.”
Aly was fascinated. “Does Riley have a nickname?”
Bliss grinned. “Well, some of the guys call him ‘Chickie’ because he chirps. It means he likes to talk shit to the other players, throw them off their game, draw a penalty. He’s pretty well known for it.”
“Cary swears Riley could get a saint to take a swing at him.” Lori shook her head. “But he’s mainly known as a grinder. He doesn’t make a lot of goals but he makes sure his teammates have the puck so they can score.”
Chirp. Grinder. The lingo was making her head spin.
Lori must have seen her brain misfiring because the other woman reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “Stick with us, ladies. By the end of the game, you’ll be experts.”
* * * * *
“So your woman showed up. See, I told you. No need for worry.”
Jake stopped beside Riley as he buckled his belt then grabbed his coat. They’d won the game so the noise level in the locker room approached deafening, but it barely registered.
Riley had played hard tonight. He’ had one fight because one of the Lynx players had gotten in his face, and had three assists on four goals.
A good night. And hopefully about to get better.
“I wasn’t worried,” he told Jake as he headed for the hall where he’d told Aly he’d meet her after the game. He hadn’t thought about her at all during the game. He never let anyone—not a girl, not another player, no one—mess with his head before or during a game.
But now… Yeah, maybe he had been a little worried she wouldn’t show.
He’d purposely not looked into the stands to see if she was there tonight. He’d kept his mind on the game and it’d paid off. This season was off to a good start and he hoped to hell it continued.
“I know you do not worry during game. You are machine out there. Damn good game tonight.”