“I’m going downstairs. I’ll keep an eye on things. Get some sleep. Apparently we’ve got a soccer game to attend in the morning.”
Then Ian left and Ben sat on the chair staring at Dorrie for at least a full minute.
He’d started this. How the hell did he not realize how messy this was going to be? Like, seriously fucked up. And this was the first night.
How the fuck had Adam and Tristan handled setting up their relationship?
Since he didn’t feel like he knew either of the men well enough ask, he’d have to figure out a way to bring up the subject. It wasn’t like he could just come out and say, “Hey, guys. When you decided to start sleeping with the same woman, how’d you decide who slept on which side and what happens when you both want to cuddle her?”
Or, in their case, what happens when you’re both worried about who should be the cuddler?
Christ, was he really trying to figure out who should be doing the cuddling in a relationship that wasn’t even a relationship yet?
He sighed, not bothering to hide it. Then he got up, stripped down to his boxer briefs, and slid beneath the covers.
Fuck it. If they were going to even try to make this work, he needed to be on board all the way. And since he’d been the one to push them into it, then he’d better start figuring out where he fit.
He knew by her deep breathing that she’d already fallen asleep, which brought a smile to his face. She trusted them enough to keep her safe. Or she was just that exhausted. Still, she was relaxed enough with them to be that completely vulnerable.
He could work with that.
Now he just needed to figure out how to get Ian to relax his guard enough to let her in. To trust himself with her.
Moving closer, he lay on his side and put his hand on her back. He felt the heat of her skin through the shirt she wore and wanted to slip his hand under her shirt to feel her bare skin.
You know what? Fuck it. Just do it.
Sliding his hand under the hem of the t-shirt she wore, he let it settle on the curve of her waist.
When she sighed and started to shift around, he wondered if she’d move away. Instead, she rolled onto her side and scooted back, settling her ass against his thighs and her back against his chest.
So he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her even closer. Then he released a deep breath and closed his eyes.