Page 50 of An Indecent Longing

Except he hadn’t disappeared. He’d just made sure she didn’t see him lurking on the sidelines. Which made him an even bigger dick.

Then last night, he’d discovered that she still wanted him.

Jesus, this situation was a goddamn land mine waiting to explode.

And Ben, goddamn him, was fanning the flames. His cousin had leaned over to speak into Dorrie’s ear, making her smile. Something Ian couldn’t do unless she was half asleep and didn’t realize she wasn’t dreaming.

His jaw locked and he tore his gaze away, refocused on the band. But his enjoyment of the music was fading under the strength of his desire.

He needed to leave.

Or maybe you should go over and sit with them.

And do what exactly? He and Ben had never shared a woman. They didn’t have the same relationship Max and Jesse or Adam and Tristan had with their women.

Hell, it had never even entered his mind…until Ben had brought up the damn subject.

It won’t work for us.

But now that the thought had been planted, he couldn’t shake it.

Dorrie would probably be freaked out by it. It wasn’t exactly something you just threw on the table.

And maybe that’d be exactly how to handle it.

Dorrie knew Max and Jesse, knew about their relationship. What Ben had proposed to Ian wouldn’t shock her. But would she want any parts of a relationship like that?

Do you?

That answer wasn’t as clear-cut at this moment, and he wasn’t going to figure it out sitting here staring at her like a stalker.

With a harsh sigh, he threw money on the table and headed for the exit.

He’d reached the hotel lobby when he heard Ben.


Jaw locking, he stopped. If he ignored Ben, it would only aggravate the situation.

Turning, he faced his cousin, trying not to let his frustration show in his expression.

“Hey. I didn’t know you’d be here tonight.”

Ben shrugged. “I know. But I knew you would be.”

Ian’s eyes closed for a brief second as he drew in an unsteady breath and, in that split second, Ben closed the distance between.


“Goddammit, Ben. I don’t know what you want to fucking prove—”

“I don’t need to prove anything.” Ben’s steady expression made Ian want to punch him in the face. “You’re proving it for me. Come back in and join us.”

Ian shook his head. “You really don’t want me to do that. Not now.”

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want it.”

“You’re not asking. You’re pushing me into a situation that’s going to explode in our faces.”