Ben let his head drop back and his expression twisted with frustration. “Jesus, Ian, let go of the drama. For once, just let yourself take what you want.”
He paused, stuck on that thought because, despite everything, he wanted her.
But could he do it?
“And what if this isn’t what she wants? You don’t have a clue.”
A spark of hope lit in Ben’s eyes and he didn’t even bother to hide the curve of his lips. “Why don’t we let her decide that for herself?”
Christ, was he really considering this?
Fuck. Yeah, he really was.
* * * * *
Dorrie had started to wonder if Ben had skipped out on her when she slid another anxious glance at the entrance…and found him halfway to their table.
With Ian in tow.
Her heart began to pound and she sucked in a harsh breath that almost made her choke. Without thought, she turned back toward the stage, then cursed herself for being so obvious.
Since their booth sat along the side wall, no one witnessed her juvenile reaction.
Had Ian been here or had he just arrived? Why was he coming toward their table? Had Ben asked him to join them?
Why would he do that?
You should’ve come clean.
She should’ve told him she knew he was related to Ian. Should’ve told him about her relationship with Ian.
What relationship?
Could she have told Ben she’d thought she’d found a soul mate in Ian, after less than three days of their first meeting?
Or that, when Ian had cut her off so completely, she’d felt like she was in mourning for something that had never been?
She managed to pull herself together before they got to the table so when the men slid into the booth she didn’t blurt out something stupid. Luckily, the band was playing so all she really had to do was nod in Ian’s direction then redirect her attention to the stage.
Unluckily for her, they announced a short break after that song.
“Dorrie, you know my cousin, Ian. I asked him to join us. Hope you don’t mind. He and I live together.”
Did she mind? How the hell was she supposed to answer that?
As Ian stared at her with those sharp blue eyes, she knew she couldn’t keep pretending.
“Yes, I know.”
The quick look they exchanged gave her a tiny sense of satisfaction. She’d surprised them. Good.
But Ian wasn’t surprised for long. His gaze narrowed. “When did you find out?”
“Blank told me this morning. Was it supposed to be a secret?”
Ian’s jaw clenched at the challenge in her voice, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ben’s lips curve in a slight smile.
She turned to Ben, determined not to be taken in by that killer grin. And failing completely.