With another week of meds under my belt, I’m feeling more and more like myself.
There are still some moments that I find myself struggling, but all it takes is one look at Lilly, and I’m doing okay again. It’s like she’s my anchor, keeping me grounded during a wild storm.
The dorm building got the plumbing situation fixed, so Lilly moved back in. As much as I wanted to go back to Bishop’s and my dorm room, I’m not ready for that.
Today, I had a session with Gracie, and it helped me see a lot.
I miss him. And while what he did was wrong, by keeping things from me the way he did, I can’t help but feel grateful to him for keeping her safe when I couldn’t.
And since they’ve become something more and things between Lilly and me took the next step too, Lilly has been like a ray of sunshine. I’ve never seen her smile so big and laugh so much. She’s radiant. I love seeing her happy and carefree, and I’ll do whatever I can to keep it that way.
I know that I’m not going to have Lilly all to myself. That Bishop will be with her as well.
And, after an hour of talking everything through with Gracie earlier today, I now completely understand and accept it.
It’s still going to take some getting used to, but it’s a nice feeling not to want to throttle my best friend anymore.
Bishop has been amazing this whole time. Not getting mad when I was a grumpy asshole. Smiling and joking as if nothing’s happened. As if things were just like they were back in high school.
I love him for it. It helped show me what things could be like with the three of us.
After spending time with the two of them at the Halloween fair, I knew, without admitting it to myself, that this could work.
Checking the time on my phone, I lean against the wall next to the lecture hall Lilly is in.
She’s done with her last class for the day in a few minutes, and we’ve made plans to go to the library to study.
It’s been a while since I’ve studied with anyone else. My mind was always racing a mile a minute, finding it too hard to study with anyone else around.
She told me to meet her there, but of course like the obsessed stalker I am, I wasn’t going to do that.
If there is any extra time I can get with her, I’m going to take it.
Class is over, and the door opens.
I straighten up as students start to file out. With each student that isn’t Lilly, I start to grow more and more impatient.
But then I see her, her long blonde hair down, flowing over her shoulder. She’s looking down at her phone, so I quickly take mine out and send her a text.
Me: Hey sugar tits. Fancy meeting you here. Wanna come hang out? Your boyfriends don’t need to know.
It’s corny as hell, but it does its purpose when she reads the message, and the corner of her lip quirks up.
She moves to the side, still not seeing me yet. A few seconds later, I get a text message.
I grin as I look down to read it.
My everything: Sorry, sir. If my boyfriends find out you're talking to me, they’re going to kick your ass.
I snort and type back.
Me: Really? You sure about that? I’m pretty strong. I can take them.
She’s still smiling as she types back.
My everything: I’m sure. They’re hockey players. Big, tattooed ones. So, you could see how I’d have no trouble turning you down.
Me: Shame. I could have made you one happy girl. I hear I can do wicked things with my tongue.