Who am I kidding, I fucking loved every moment of that and want more. So much more.
They lean in, both kissing the side of my face. I sigh, eyes closing.
“I love you, Lilly,” Toby murmurs against my cheek.
“I love you too,” I whisper back, still out of breath.
“I love you,il mio cuore.” Bishop kisses along the shell of my ear, making me gasp.
“I love you too,” I whimper.
I’m still aroused, wanting so much more. But I know we’ve already spent enough time here, and we can’t risk getting caught.
They continue to pepper me with kisses, whispering sweet things like how amazing I am. How they don’t deserve me, how they’re never going to let me go.
With my eyes closed, I smile, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.
I’m almost afraid to leave this fun house and pop this perfect little bubble.
Chapter 17
My knee bounces, my anxiety is through the roof. I feel like I’m going to puke.
“Toby,” Lilly’s soft voice is like a soothing balm against my racing nerves. “It’s going to be okay. If you don’t want me to come in there with you, I can stay out here and wait.”
“No.” I shake my head, taking her hand that's on my knee and grasping it in mine. “I want you there.”
I’m not sure exactly what we’re going to be talking about or the kind of questions the therapist is going to ask me. But I want Lilly in there with me, to hear it from my therapist herself that the things I’ve done to Lilly weren't out of malicious intent. They were to help her see why my brain works the way it does. That I really did think I was doing the right thing.
Part of me hopes that if she hears it from a licensed professional and not just from my mouth, she will believe me.
She says she does, but there’s this doubt in the back of my mind wondering what if she doesn’t?
“It’s gonna be okay.” She smiles sweetly up at me. God, she’s so fucking perfect. So damn beautiful. And she’s mine. All mine.Okay, and Bishop’s, too. But still.
I don’t deserve her. And I sure as hell didn’t deserve all the chances she gave me, but I know I’m damn fucking happy she gave them to me.
She’s stayed by my side through it all. I want to be the best man I can be for her. And I’m trying really fucking hard to do that. I’m not giving up, just like she didn’t give up on me.
The door opens to Gracie, my therapist’s office. My head snaps up to find the older woman smiling over at us.
“Toby, it’s lovely to see you. Come on in.” I stand, Lilly joining me at my side.
“Is it okay if I bring Lilly?” Gracie looks at Lilly, understanding on her face.
“Of course.”
I look down at her, struck with this overwhelming need to kiss her, to tell her I love her, to get down on my knees and apologize over and over again.
I’ve kept too many things from the woman I love, for far too long. No more. I want to get everything out on the table, and I hope Gracie can help shed some light, in a way Lilly can understand, on how the mind of someone with BP works.
“I got you, baby,” Lilly says, giving my hand a squeeze. “I’m not going anywhere.”
And just like that, I know everything is going to be okay.
For the rest of the week, I’ve been glued to Lilly’s side. Something about having her be a part of a really good therapy session broke down some walls.