He chuckles, making me shiver. “Don’t worry, baby, we got you.”
As we make our way through the haunted house, I’m ashamed to say I scream.. a lot. I nearly trip over my feet, and Toby has to catch me. I grab onto Bishop’s jacket and yank him back, nearly sacrificing him to one of the actors as I push him into them when a clown with a chainsaw comes out.
It’s easy to say I’m a safety risk for all involved.
And the whole time, the guys laugh at me like it’s the funniest thing in the world.Jerks.They’re supposed to be protecting me, not getting amusement out of my pain.
“Oh, thank god.” I let out a huff, my hand pressed to my pounding heart. “I made it out alive.”
“Just barely.” Bishop chuckles. “I can still hear the ringing in my ear.”
“Let’s get out of here,” Toby huffs in amusement. “Before someone else pops out and you scream... again.”
The guys head towards the exit, but I take a few steps back towards the fun house door.
Grinning, I push the door open and step inside. Peaking my head out, I say, “Actually, I think I want a little more fun tonight.” I grin. “Come catch me.”
Their brows shoot up before looking to one another. I take that as my chance to run.
Letting the door close, I take off.
Adrenaline pumps through my veins, a massive grin on my face as I run through the fun house. I duck and dodge, jumping over and around while shielding my eyes from the flashing lights.
I can hear them call out for me, but I don’t say anything, focused on finding the door.
“Shit,” I hiss. The House of Mirrors is not as easy to get through.
Looking over my shoulder, I see a glimpse of one of them getting close.
Feeling the mirrors, I find my way through, getting to the hidden door about halfway through. “Gotcha.” I laugh as I get up on my tiptoes, feeling for the latch, and pull it open. It’s here for workers to help if the kids get stuck or lost.
But as I step inside and let the door close behind me, I don't see anyone.
Good, because what I have planned for these guys doesn’t need an audience.
This is crazy. I’m crazy. But I’m also buzzing with excitement.
I know the guys won’t say no. And that’s what I’m counting on.
A few of the mirrors along the wall are one-way mirrors; I can see out, but they can’t see in.
Toby and Bishop step in front of the mirror, scaring me. I slap my hand over my mouth to smother my scream of surprise.
“She’s gotta be around here somewhere,” Toby mutters.
“Lilly!” Bishop shouts. “Where the hell did you go?!”
“Let’s keep going,” Toby says.
Disappointment fills me as the two of them keep walking through the mirror maze and out of my sight.
Not wanting to leave just yet, I stay where I am, watching, waiting, but nothing. Other people make their way through the maze, couples laughing and bumping their way along.
My shoulders slump, and I let out a breath.
“Gotcha!” a whisper sounds from behind me.
Spinning around, I open my mouth to scream, but Bishop’s hand covers it.