“Shit. You really do love Bishop, don’t you?” She lets out a breath.
“I love them both.”
“Okay then. So my girl is getting two guys while I don’t even have one.” She groans dramatically as she flops back onto the bed, the serious conversation over. She took it a lot better than I thought she would. “I’m not happy about this. Only because I hated seeing you hurt the way you did because of Toby’s actions. I understand his situation, but it doesn’t change the fact that he hurt you. I love you. You're my best friend. I just want what's best for you, and I’m always on your side. But if Toby fucks up again, I’m taking his nuts.”
“What?” I snort out a laugh.
“His dick too. No more chances,” she warns.
“I love you.” I laugh, the weight on my shoulders easing off. “And you do have a guy. A guy who’s head over heels for you. Don’t act like there’s nothing there.”
She bites her lower lip, grinning. “Okay, maybe there’s something there.”
I raise a brow. “Keep going. It’s your turn to spill.”
“We maybe, sorta... kinda, took that step over the weekend,” she says with nervous excitement.
“You mean, you’ve had sex or are dating now?”
“Both?” she says it like a question. “We had sex. And dear god, that man can fuck.” She fans herself, blowing out a breath.
“Oh my god.” I laugh, shaking my head.
She sits up, giving me a devilish grin. “You don’t know what you missed out on, babe.”
“Are you really saying I should have fucked Jonas before I broke up with him?”
Her eyes flash with jealousy. “Never mind. Scratch that.”
I laugh. “I thought so.”
“Anyway,” she huffs. “After we were done and snuggling in bed, he asked me to be his girlfriend.”
“And?! What did you say?”
She turns to me with a guilty look. “I ran.”
“What?!” I jump to my feet. “What do you mean you ran?”
She groans. “I got dressed and ran out of his room like my ass was on fire.”
“Oh, babe.” I give her a pitying look.
“And now I bet he hates me. I ruined everything,” she groans dramatically.
There’s a knock at the door, and we both pause, looking to the other. “Who do you think it is?” Bee whispers.
“It’s for one of us.” I shrug. “Maybe it’s him.”
“Or maybe it’s my brother like it is every morning.” She rolls her eyes.
That has my heartbeat picking up its pace and excitement coursing through me.
I rush towards the door and fling it open. She was right, Bishop is there, standing with a coffee in hand like he always is. But he’s not alone.
“Hi,” I say shyly, not really sure how to react now. We haven’t talked about this, the two men in front of me were on the outs. Based on the glare Toby shoots Bishop’s way, I'd say that's still in effect. But when his eyes land on me, his face softens, and he smiles.
“Hi, Flower,” he murmurs. “Got this for you.” He holds out a bag.