Page 33 of A Game Of Love

Her eyes widen. “How did your parents react?”

“Honestly, pretty good. They love your brother.”

“Brody didn’t try and kick his ass?” she asks, raising a brow. She knows my dad all too well.

“Nope. Actually, it was Chase who was ready to throw down.”

She snorts out a laugh. “Are you kidding me?”

I shake my head. “I’ve never seen him so angry. I mean, it didn’t last. But that was after your brother melted my damn heart with all the right words.”

“Sly bastard,” she mutters.

I laugh.

“Anything else?” she asks, searching my eyes.

“Nope.” I look away too quickly.

“Bitch, please. Spill, now.”

Not looking at her, I quickly say. “Toby and I are official too.”

She blinks at me for a moment. “I’m sorry, what?”

Groaning, I shove my face into my hands. “Last night, after we told everyone about Bishop and me, Toby was upset. He took off into his room, and I went to check on him.”

“Well, the big idiot can just suck it the fuck up. He had his chance, and my brother took his.” Bee shrugs. Then her brows furrow. “But you're saying you're dating Toby now? What about my brother?”

“I’m with them both?” I say it more like a question, but I know it’s the truth. I’m just not sure how Bee is going to react.

Her brows jump. “And they know this? About each other?”

“Of course, they do,” I grumble. “I wouldn't go and date them behind one another's backs.”

“Huh.” She nods slowly. “So you’re what? You’re poly now, like your parents?”

The need to defend myself creeps up. “Would that be an issue?”

“No.” She shakes her head quickly. “I just want to know if this is just you dating the both of them while figuring out who you should pick in the end... or if you're with both of them, together, no choosing.”

“No choosing,” I answer confidently. “I love both of them. I want both of them. I don’t want to pick one over the other.”

“And my brother is okay with this?”

I nod. “He is. He’s amazing.” I smile. “So supportive and ready to do whatever it takes to make me happy.”

“You're doing the same for him, too, right?”

My smile drops. “I’d like to think so. I check in on him, see where his head is. I didn’t just go make all these decisions without talking to him first. But I also told him what I wanted before we took the step into something more. He knows I love Toby, and I know I’ll never get over him. Never want to. He accepted that. It’s his best friend. He can share me.”

“Can Toby share you?” she asks, raising a knowing brow.

“He’s trying,” I whisper. “He’s Toby. He’s jealous, overprotective, and possessive. It’s been like that for years. It’s not something he can just stop doing. And I understand that. But he’s working on it. And that's all I can ask. He knows what it means if he can’t share me.”

Her eyes widen. “Would you really pick Bishop over being with Toby if Toby can’t make this work?”

Pain radiates through my heart, and it makes my stomach hurt to say these words. But I do. “I would,” I admit, my voice thick with emotion. “I love them both. But Bishop isn’t asking me to choose, he’s putting my happiness first. He’s told me himself he doesn’t mind sharing me because he just wants to be with me.” A grin takes over my face, one that shows how wistful I feel when I think about that. “If Toby made me choose, I’d pickBishop because he would never have asked me to make such a choice. Maybe that makes me selfish, but I can’t help how I feel.”