Page 135 of A Game Of Love

Love isn’t perfect. It’s messy and soul-consuming.

But when you're with the right person, or in my case, people, it’s worth it all.

My best friends. My lovers. My everythings.


Three years later


“You look beautiful.”

Glancing in the mirror, I see Bennett leaning against the entryway to my room.

“Thanks.” I grin back, placing the lipstick I just put on down onto my vanity.

It’s crazy that Bennett is already sixteen. It feels like it was only yesterday he was talking to me about his first crush.

A crush on his best friend. Helping him through the pain wasn’t easy, but seeing him grow into the young man before me has been a gift.

When he was fourteen, he was caught by a group of kids at school kissing a boy. Instead of running in shame or hiding, he kept his head high and owned his sexuality.

After a talk with Jax and Brody, Bennett gained a lot of confidence and officially came out to the family, then the rest of the world.

I’m so proud of him for not being ashamed of who he is and not allowing anyone else to make him feel that way.

“Can’t believe you're graduating college.” He grins, pushing off the doorway and stepping into my room.

“Same,” I sigh, spinning around in my chair. I’m dressed in a baby blue dress, hair and makeup done. Looking at my black graduation gown, I groan. “You wanna help me put that on?”

“Sure.” He goes over, grabs it, and brings it back. Carefully, we work together to get it over me, making sure my hair and makeup don’t get messed up.

“You know, this is going to be you in a few years.” I grin.

“Gotta graduate high school first,” he chuckles.

“You will. With flying colors.” I wink.

Bennett is smart as a whip, just like Mom was. I wasn't too bad in school, but I wasn’t a valedictorian by any means.

With the way Bennett is going, he very well could be.

His life is exciting, that's for sure. Between playing hockey, school, and his friends, I’ve hardly seen much of him the past year.

Still, he makes time for me every Sunday. We do family suppers, only we’ve made them into movie nights, too.

With the school not being too far from the house, I’ve been able to keep up with seeing everyone pretty regularly.

Once the guys graduated, we moved into our own apartment that was only a few blocks away from the school.

After Toby’s and my relationship came out, and we no longer hid our love, it was the most freeing thing to feel. Being able to hold both of their hands, to kiss them, to show affection, it was everything I’ve wanted so badly.

Some people didn’t like it. They whispered mean things and gave us dirty looks. And while sometimes it did hurt to hear, I had my guys supporting me, showing me that other people’s opinions didn’t matter and reminding me that there was nothing wrong with our love.

Katie was expelled for her little stunt. I ended up pressing charges because I knew if I didn’t stop it now, it would have turned into a lifetime of harassment from her.

Thankfully, after that, we didn’t hear from her again. Still haven’t to this day. I’m not sure where life took her, I just hope she found happiness and became a better person.