Page 136 of A Game Of Love

For the most part, the rest of that year was fine. People left us alone and our friends were accepting.

Some of the team joked around about me having a high sex drive that I needed two guys to keep me satisfied. That earned them a black eye from both my men. I’m not a fan of fighting, but it was kinda hot, and we ended up having really dirty sex that night. I mean, I guess when it came down to it, they weren’t wrong.

But come on, if you had two tattooed hockey gods with fat cocks who knew how to use them at your disposal, you’d be riding them any chance you got too. Don’t lie to me.

After they graduated, we traveled for the summer and saw some amazing places I’ll never forget.

Toby started working with Jax, and Bishop bought his restaurant. It took a year for renovations and everything to get up and going, but once it opened, there hasn’t been a slow day yet.

It was smart of him to buy something within walking distance of the school. The property was a bit on the pricey side, but Brody helped as a graduation gift. At first, Bishop didn’t want to take the money, but I reminded him that this was to help our future and our family, so he agreed.

As for me, I’ve been slowly writing my first book. While I would have loved more time to write before now, I chose to use my free time making memories and enjoying my college years.

That looked different for me than most. Because my best friends were parents. That's right, Bee had a baby! A beautiful little girl named Sofia.

When Bee told me, I was over the moon and by her side every step of the way. She thought she was being a downer because it meant no more parties, but I reminded her that I’ve never really liked them anyways. It was always about the people I was there with, not the party itself.

Weekends turned into hockey games and movie nights at the dorm or the hockey house.

The guys welcomed Bee into the house, treating her like the mother of the place. It was adorable, and they were all so protective of her. I’ve never seen a group of jocks change so much to make sure it was a safe place for Bee to live while she was pregnant.

Once the baby was born, they moved into an apartment in our building, and I’ve been in full auntie mode ever since.

Seeing Bee as a mama and Jonas as a dad is adorable. He loves that little girl more than anything, and seeing how he is with Bee, I know soulmates are real.

Their lives are about to change big time now, and my heart hurts to see them go because Jonas got drafted by the LA Timberwolves. They’re set to move to California in a few weeks.

Knowing I won’t be able to see my best friend and her little girl all the time sucks, but a perk of having a rich dad means I plan on flying out whenever I can. For every game Jonas is in. I’ve already made my promise.

Thankfully, I’ll still have Ryan and his partners staying nearby. So, I’m glad I get to have at least one of my friends close.

“Ready to go?” Bennett asks.

“Yup.” I snatch my phone off the vanity. “Just got to text the guys.”

“No need. I’m bringing you to the school. They said they would meet you there.”

“What? Why?”

Bennett just grins and takes off. “Come on. We’re going to be late.”

He refused to answer any of my questions on our way there, and the little dickhead blasted music to drown out my questions.

“Are you going to tell me now?” I huff as I jog to keep up with him.

“They’re here. In the audience. Now go, you have a graduation to attend.”

“I wanted to see them before, though,” I pout. It’s not like I didn’t see them this morning.

It’s a lovely way to wake up with two stiff cocks pressed against your thighs. Don’t worry, I had no issues helping them out with that.

“Too bad, so sad,” he says. “Now suck it up, buttercup.”

“You suck,” I mutter, parting ways with him once we get to the football field.

“You love me, and you know it!” he calls back with a chuckle.

Sighing, I rush to join Bee and Jonas.