Page 234 of The Black Trilogy

“Trust me. The trial isn’t an issue. I promise.”

I pulled her into a hug, and we sat there for a few moments until she mumbled into my hair.

“What happened when you went to get my bag?”

“Theo didn’t appreciate the interruption. He does have a violent streak, and not just with you.”

She pulled back and stared at me, wide-eyed, checking me up and down for damage.

“Did he hurt you?”

“He tried, but he was never going to succeed. He’s probably feeling slightly uncomfortable this morning.”

“Oh my gosh! Do you think he’ll call the police?”

I laughed. “Not a chance. First, he’d have to tell them what he did to you. Second, most of the damage happened when he managed to run into a wall all by himself. Third, he’d have to admit he got bested by a girl. Trust me, it’s not going to happen.”

When I recounted the story of how Theo knocked himself out, Tia was soon laughing almost as much as I had last night.

“I don’t know what I’d have done if you hadn’t been there,” she said.

“Well, I was, so don’t start dwelling on ‘what ifs.’ Now, we need to work out what to do next. I’m assuming Luke doesn’t have a clue about the party last night?”

“He doesn’t know anything about Theo. I told him Arabella and I were working on an art project.”

Tears gathered in the corners of Tia’s eyes, and I knew what she was thinking. Telling her brother what happened wouldn’t be easy.

But did we have to?

I’d be in Europe for a week, and the bruising would fade in that time. The cuts should also be well on their way to healing, and any remaining lumps and bumps could be hidden with make-up by that point. Trust me, I’d had plenty of practice with that.

“How do you feel about staying here? Would Luke believe you were at Arabella’s for a whole week?”

Yes, I know, I shouldn’t have encouraged Tia to lie. But with all the other bad things I’d done in my life, that little fib paled into insignificance.

“With you?” she asked.

“I have to work, but I’ll be around a bit.”

“That’s okay. I’d love to!” She perked up. “He’d totally believe I was at Arabella’s. I used to stay there loads before…you know. I’ve got spare clothes there and everything. She’d absolutely cover for me, and her parents have gone to their villa in Marbella this week. Mark won’t notice whether I’m there or not. He spends most of his time at his girlfriend’s.”

“Okay, that sounds like a plan. Even if I’m not around, someone else should be here most of the time. Does the school know Luke and I split?”

“Probably not. Luke hasn’t exactly been broadcasting it.”

“That helps. I’ll be able to call in and tell them you’re sick without having to imitate your mother.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I got another hug, which was followed by an “ouch” as Tia smushed her face against me then remembered she was hurt.

I showed her how to get to the kitchen, where I introduced her to Bradley and Mack, who’d arrived at some point in the morning.

“Just rummage through the closets and help yourself to clothes. We all share stuff and nobody’ll get precious about you borrowing things. If you need anything else, Bradley will sort it out,” I told her.

“Sure thing, sweet pea,” Bradley confirmed, speaking around a mouthful of Lucky Charms.

“Bradley, how come you get those while I have a wheatgrass smoothie?”

“I guess Toby’s too busy looking at my pretty face to notice what I’m eating.”