Page 235 of The Black Trilogy

I took the Aston Martin to the office, where I had a meeting with a new client followed by a day of operational planning. I’d barely driven the car since I bought it, and I’d almost forgotten where all the buttons were. At one point, I turned on the wipers when I tried to flash a moron who jumped a red light. Kind of embarrassing, but at least the sweet burble of the V12 engine under the bonnet was music to my ears.

Thoughts of Tia at home made me scoot out of the office at six. When I got home, the others were clustered in the lounge, tucking into a half-empty Chinese takeaway. I grabbed a container of Kung Po chicken and a pair of chopsticks and joined them. I’d deal with Toby and his apoplexy in the morning.

“Are you out all day again tomorrow?” Tia asked.

“I’m going to hit the gym first thing, then I’ve got a video call for most of the afternoon and a business meeting in the evening. What are you supposed to be doing at school? Anything important? Didn’t you mention art?”

“Yes, I have art coursework to do. And it’s science week. I’m supposed to be doing experiments for physics and chemistry.”

“Fine. Tonight, you make a list of the equipment you need and the books you’re studying. We’ll get all the stuff, and you can do the projects here or at Blackwood. Mack can help you. She likes that kind of thing. Right, Mack?”

“Science is my life.”

“Do I have to?” Tia asked.

“Just because you’re having a week off school doesn’t mean you’re getting a holiday.”

“At least I won’t get behind.” She nibbled on a prawn cracker, looking thoughtful. “Do you think I could come to the gym with you? One day, even if it’s not tomorrow?”

“Sure, but why? You don’t need to lose weight.”

“I know… It’s just… I thought that if I ever came across someone like Theo again, if I was fitter I might be able to defend myself. Luke’s got a gym, but I don’t know where to start.”

“Have you ever been to a self-defence class?”

“No, never. Nothing like that.”

I looked at Mack, and she looked at me. “JJ’s?” I asked.

“JJ’s,” she agreed.

“Okay, but it’ll be a six a.m. start. Just make sure you find some leggings or tracksuit bottoms and a pair of trainers that fit before you go to bed. We’re not looking for those at five thirty in the morning.”

Tia was ready right on time the next day, much to my surprise. She’d never been much of a morning person. We piled into a shiny new crew cab pickup I found in the garage, and off we went with me driving. I always liked to drive. Mainly because of Dan. If you’d ever been in a vehicle with her behind the wheel, you’d never want to be a passenger again either, trust me.

“Nice truck. Whose is it?” I asked Mack.

“Yours, I think.”

Oh. I guess Bradley had decided it was time for a new car. I parked it behind JJ’s and punched in the security code that let us in through the employee entrance, past the staff room and my old storage closet. When we emerged onto the main floor of the gym, two guys were already sparring in a boxing ring ahead of us. A handful of regulars trained on the heavy and speed bags, and a few others pumped iron over at the weight stack in the corner.

“What is this place?” Tia whispered.

“It’s a boxing gym.”

She crinkled her nose. “Smells sweaty.”

“The sweet aroma of muscles and men.”

I looked to the side in time to see Jimmy walking through the door marked Private that led from his apartment upstairs. Usually, he didn’t come down this early, but I’d messaged him last night to let him know we’d be visiting.

He strode over and enveloped me in a tight hug.

“Good to see you, Amanda,” he whispered in my ear.

Mack got the same treatment, then he turned to Tia with open arms. She looked a bit dubious but stepped forward and gingerly embraced him as he engulfed her.

Stepping back, he held her at arm’s length and surveyed the mess of her face. “Girl, what happened to you?”