Nick’s whole property was a wrinkle in the space-time continuum. He’d stopped caring about it years ago, and merely thinking of the interior made me shudder.
I shoved that mess to the back of my mind as Akari and Hiro came through the back door, Hiro flashing a grin and Akari giving us her sweet smile. She was still incredibly shy and hated to be touched by anyone besides Black, but I had hopes that once she got to know us all better, she’d let her personality shine through.
Nate had sorted out her money situation, at least. He’d given me an update yesterday.
“Carlos used to tell Akari, ‘Dreams are the future’s way of telling us what’s waiting.’”
I hoped that wasn’t true in my case. “You found the cash, then?”
“We followed his instructions, and it was right where he said it would be.”
So Carlos had done his best for her, right until the end. She’d be looked after. The remainder of the Ramos fortune would go to charity, just as he’d intended. Black could have imitated him again and got it back, but he didn’t want to. “It’s blood money,” he’d said. “I don’t want a dime of it.”
A sentiment I totally agreed with.
Meanwhile, Hiro settled Akari into a seat and poured her some juice.
“How’s the baby?” I asked her.
“He’s sleeping. My mother is watching him.”
“Have you decided on a name yet?”
She nodded. “Hisashi. It means ‘always with you.’”
“That’s perfect.”
A ringing phone interrupted our conversation, and I realised the guard from the gatehouse was calling me. Great. It was too early for visitors.
“Emmy, Miriam Black’s here. I told her she’s not allowed in, but she won’t take no for an answer. I don’t think she knows you’re alive, and she’s demanding to speak to whoever’s in charge. Should I call someone to remove her?”
Oh boy, this morning just got better and better.
“It’s okay, bring her up. Can you show her through to the kitchen? I’ll be waiting in there.” Then I dialled Black. “Miriam’s on her way up the drive.”
Suddenly, he was awake. “Be there in five.”
Miriam was yelling before she got fully through the kitchen door, all red-faced and probably drunk.
“I demand to speak to someone with some authority in this place.”
Nick moved out of the way, and she did a double take when she saw me leaning against the counter.
I couldn’t help smiling. “That would be me.”
Her colour dropped a shade. “I was told you’d died.”
“Then I guess you were misinformed.”
“You nasty little liar. I should have known you’d resort to playing dirty. My lawyer says you’re deliberately stalling everything.”
“Yep.” The grin was stuck on my face.
“Is that all you’ve got to say for yourself? You just don’t want to give me what’s rightfully mine, do you? That money’s my birthright, not yours, you scheming little gold-digger. You’re nothing but a prostitute who married Charles for his wealth. I insist you file that will right now so I can contest it.”
“Not going to happen.”
“Then I’ll force you to do it. My lawyer’s preparing papers to take you to court as we speak.”